By Karl G Olson

For different persons the word "tanning" means different things. For most young tanners, tanning is a way to get a darker skin which they believe will make them more beautiful. Recently, however, people have started to use tanning as a mean to become healthier. However, most people are staying away from exposing themselves to sunlight because they believe it is dangerous.

Only 25 years ago, tanning and sun-exposure were considerered to be very healthy activities. Since then a very tough movement against tanning has developed. The sun-fear lobbyists use skin-cancer statistic, often unrealistically manipulated, in order to prove the danger and scare us into buying more and more sun-screen lotions.

There are strong evidence that research linking skin-cancer to UV-exposure is sponsored by the large manufacturers of sunscreen lotions. Likewise, the early detection campaigns as, for example, the "melanoma-days", are sponsored by corporations earning big money on remedies being sold to customers having had a skin-lesion surgically removed.

Not long ago, a group of international researchers presented a multi-national study of skin-cancer surgeries made in clinics all over the world. They found that as many as 93% of the patients who had an assumed skin-cancer removed, turned out to have been put under the scalpel unnecessary. It proves the theory that the eagerness to create scary melanoma statistic is more important than any accuracy in diagnosis.

Tanning in moderation while avoiding burns is the right way towards a healthy tan. Knowing the difference between UVA and UVB is also very important. You probably think it is best to tan in the morning and in the late afternoon and avoid sunshine in the middle of the day? This is however a disasterous way of tanning. It will not allow any UVB to neither build up a nice, long lasting tan, nor make any vitamin D from sunshine.

The safest way to tan is doing it moderately but regularly. Many studies confirm that this is the only way to reduce the risk of melanoma, the most deadly of all skin-cancers. Also the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirms this in one of their most comprehensive reports on sun-esposure and melanoma. The natural sun is not always available to provide us with sunshine all year around. The tanning lamp is therefore an invention worthy a Nobel Prize.

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