By Rob Sutter

Research is undoubtedly important because you never know just how much information you will be able to retain. You want to make sure that you have the capacity to learn because, in essence, that is the goal of just about any process of this nature. Make sure that you look at the key points you uncover so that, somewhere down the road, you will be able to bring them back if need be. Glioblastoma research is not only full of knowledge but loaded with a great number of possibilities.

An article that was posted on Seeking Alpha referred to VAL-083, a specific kind of drug which can potentially play into the long term glioblastoma research results. DelMar Pharmaceuticals was behind this, as it went about a phase I/II study to see how tumors would be impacted, positively or negatively. This kind of drug is intriguing and I could see this kind of report grabbing the attention of organizations involved on the matter, Voices Against Brain Cancer included. However, one has to wonder how effective the findings will be in practice.

As far as the studies are concerned, they are still being done, though the results seem to be promising so far. The article said that there were seven patients enrolled and there were a few positives to cite, such as the regression of tumors. It's good that VAL-083 was used because it can be implemented without ever reaching the toxicity threshold, making it safer to use. Who's to say whether or not this drug will eventually become more prominent?

I think that this could be a potential path to take as far as cancer treatment is concerned but there has to be a number of therapies done beforehand. The article stated that they are being conducted and this is mostly due to the idea that they have to be deemed entirely usable. If they are, I can only imagine that more treatment options are going to open up for patients. The methods of surgery which exist today, while widely used, do not possess the same success across the board.

I think that just about anyone can benefit from glioblastoma research and the results which come about. Said results wouldn't have surfaced without the efforts of researchers and the facts which they learn on a constant basis. What about those who simply want to donate or support the cause? Their backing can have a great impact as well and I believe that it's because of these groups, as well as others, that awareness is continually brought to levels which can be considered higher than before.

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