Would Kettlebells Be Of Any Use For Rocky Balboa?

By Rob Sutter

If there is one factor that Rocky Balboa is recognized for, beyond all others, it's that of heart. He is easily one of the most famous underdogs and his volition to win is only matched by his undying attitude in just about every other area of life. Typically, he's outmatched by his opponents in one way or another but he always manages to come out on top. However, who's to say that he couldn't perform better if kettlebells were part of his system?

Between striking hanging mounds of meat and running up large flights of stairs, I don't think there's a single individual who isn't aware of the well-known Rocky montages. In fact, there have been spoofs - after these movies came out - of others going about training methods with the iconic "Gonna Fly Now" or some other encouraging music playing behind them. Rocky's workout may seem archaic by today's standards and even back then when his opponents were working in different ways. But I believe being humble, which resulted, helped to build his character.

When it comes to one's physical stature, though, Rocky was most certainly helped because of the exercises, too. He is, to put it simply, an underdog and being able to match up with someone is not going to be easy if the opponent outclasses you in a few days. Typically, Rocky gave up not only strength but size in a good number of his fights. Look at his battle against Thunderlips during "Rocky II" for one of the more noteworthy examples of underdog mentality in the series.

In terms of building strength while complimenting maneuverability, Rocky would be smart to take on kettlebells. I say this because, as much as he is a quick fighter, he could benefit from building his strength in order to take on greater bruisers. Ivan Drago, a genetic superhuman of sorts, wouldn't seem to have much trouble against Rocky; despite the fact that he has worked his way up from the bottom, Rocky hasn't taken performance-enhancing drugs like Drago has. These weights can assist his strength and fitness authorities like Lorna recommend them.

No matter what challenge had reached Rocky across the ring, one cannot refute the fact that he has become nothing short of an extraordinary fighter. He doesn't utilize unorthodox styles or brute strength in order to bring down his foes. He is able to do so thanks to being quick along with being the man possessing one of the more vital properties in a fight: heart. These qualities are very important and could possibly be assisted with kettlebells finding their way into the scene.

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