By Eve Briner

The dental implant is a prosthesis that is designed to resemble and provide the durability of a natural tooth. Such procedures are often recommended when trauma or periodontal disease causes the loss of teeth that not only impacts on appearance, but also oral function. The London UK cosmetic dentist offers innovative and cost effective services to meet high quality implant standards.

The doctor aims to provide patients with an educational approach for dental care and modifications. Losing your teeth where it is highly visible can place a serious knock on confidence and further impacts speech. A professional assessment will be performed to advise as to whether implant surgery is best to restore full oral functionality.

Quality of life can be improved with dental implants that look and feel like natural teeth. The dentists will perform an oral examination to determine whether conditions need to be addressed before proceeding with the restoration. An estimate will be provided for the costs involved that may not be covered by medical plans.

The surgical procedure will include preparation to place the synthetic root into the bone for placement of a prosthetic tooth. Screws and support are required to secure the implants. If the patient does not possess sufficient bone density, a subperiosteal approach is implemented with the insertion of a metal frame for the prosthesis.

Candidates should possess the necessary oral health. Doctors will take the time to conduct an examination and advise on the amount of bone available for the performance of the restoration. This means that no form of disease or trauma should be present as it will prevent the possibility of enhancement.

Post operative care will be advised including the ongoing practice of regular hygiene. Methods such as brushing, flossing, and a mild mouthwash can prevent the accumulation of bacteria and will protect both the implants and natural teeth. For the restoration of your smile, the London UK cosmetic dentist offers services to enhance appearances.

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