By John Bolton

A London UK cosmetic dentist or two, have come up with a few useful, but also healthy cleaning options for keeping smiles bright, white, and filling free. The facts are that with the ingestion of any dark substance by mouth, the teeth get in the way, and drinks such as black tea, and coffee, red wine, dark sauces and gravies will stain teeth. As will the habit of smoking.

Quite simply pearly whites need to be cleaned regularly, and whenever possible, immediately, after eating. Today home kits for bleaching may be obtained from dental offices, or even over the counter. But bleaching is an aesthetic agent, not necessarily an item people carry around in their handbags.

An apple is an excellent cleaning solution for a quick fix. In fact most crisp, firm foods help to clean after a meal. Some of these detergent foods, as well as the apple, are raw carrot, celery and believe it or not, popcorn. Cleaning as soon as possible after a meal is the key to good mouth health.

Chewing gums are also useful for cleansing when they are chewed after a meal. While great strides have been made in the use of Xylitol gum as a tooth decay preventative agent, even normal sugar gum can be of help. When chewing any gum this stimulates lots of saliva, which just gets rid of the sugars in the gum really quickly.

A toothbrush must be thrown away every two to three months. This means completely discarded unless it is wanted for cleaning jewellery. Hanging onto, and using old toothbrushes simply boosts the bacteria transfer back into the mouth. A toothbrush should also be soft, and it seems that most dentists agree, brushing needs to be gentle.

No person likes siting in that dreaded dental chair for a filling or even worse, a tooth removal. Use of these simple London UK cosmetic dentist hints could make all the difference in the world. To end, as whitening was mentioned, be careful of the new fad of chewing a lemon. This does more harm than good, as does, opening crisp packets, and untying knots with the teeth.

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