Best Pheromone


By Jack Woodbinal

The human sex pheromones that attract the opposite sex are found naturally in minute amounts in the perspiration of both men and women. The powerful effects of human sex pheromones have been well established and featured on major TV documentaries, such as, Dateline, 20/20, etc. Many articles about their discovery have appeared in medical journals and newspapers nationwide.

The pig was the first mammals in which scientists detected the use of androstenone pheromones for sexual attraction. It was found in pig saliva. Once the female pig smelled the androstenone pheromone, she immediately assumed the position for copulation. The response did not require any other action by the male other than the presence of the pheromone.

Imagine going out for an evening after a couple of sprays of androstenone pheromone and having all the women you can handle. Even more beneficial would be to have this product applied when you will be near to the woman you have not fared well with in the past. Let nature do its work and you can reap the benefits.

Pheromones are scents which the body naturally emit that interests the opposite sex. A scientifically produced spray will make you the hit of the party whenever and wherever such events are held. Peruse the website and see for yourself the effectiveness of this product. Save money that would be wasted buying the advertised items that can be purchased at drug stores which will not work. The question: Do Pheromones work will be proven with a no obligation after a visit to this great and informative website.

Do pheromones work? They have worked in the animal world for ages and have been proven successful with people. When a spray is applied, the women of your choice will show the interest never displayed on previous attempts. You are not dressing better or producing better "opening lines" with the women. Do pheromones work? They might might work too well, if that is possible, when your schedule is filled with dates.

The veromonasal sense in humans is present, but largely dormant. The manufacturers of Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne have found a way to enhance the androstenone pheromone activity of the user and the response of the women who inhale it. Just a few drops of the cologne on the neck and/or wrists and the product is designed to attract any female in the room. Studies say the wearer gives off a 'sexual vibe' and the women around immediately feel the sexual tension. If this is what you like in your cologne, then try Icebreakers Pheromone Cologne.

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eula_w said...

Visit LuvE( and see how do pheromones work to attract different types of women.

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