By Tiara Bell

A cup of coffee-either instant or prepared using a Delonghi espresso machine-usually makes up the breakfast of the fast-paced world man. That means that majority of the people today skip the most important meal of the day-breakfast. Hence, it is not surprising to see the increasing number of people suffering from food related illnesses. Coffee can be a healthy drink given the number of health benefits one may derive from it. However, downing it alone as a breakfast meal is not enough to make up a healthy breakfast.

Breakfast, being one of the day's most important meals, dictates ones energy and hunger levels for the whole day. Health goals can also be easily achieved by always eating breakfast. Some of the most common health goals help by eating a proper breakfast include re-energizing, beating the bloat, fixing the blood sugar, and burning extra fat. These goals are easily achieved since a faster metabolism is also created by a healthy and complete breakfast.

Aside from coffee prepared using a Delonghi espresso machine, a diversified and healthy breakfast should contain calories, protein, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Egg whites, cottage cheese, yogurts, and nuts are the best sources of protein, while fruits are the best source of fiber and good carbs. Also, as we dehydrate while sleeping, it is important to hydrate in the morning by drinking water and having a breakfast with high water content. Moreover, a balanced and slightly more expansive meal is required for breakfast especially that the body becomes contracted while we sleep.

As mentioned earlier, the presence of coffee on the breakfast table also ensures a number of health benefits. Scientific studies conducted across Universities and organizations prove that caffeine found in coffee reduces the risk suicide attempts. The risk of Parkinson's disease can also be minimize with habitual coffee drinking as shown by the results of the study made by the Archives of Neurology. On the other hand, another organization, which is the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that cirrhosis of the liver as well as risk of Type 2 Diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease can also be prevented by regularly drinking coffee.

What is it about coffee that makes people love it? As surveys show, may respondents claim that drinking coffee increase their alertness. This makes them more productive as remain awake the whole day. Other than the physical and mental effects, many also clam that preparing coffee using coffee makers like the Delonghi espresso machine simply became a habitual behavior incorporated and ingrained in many cultures that one cannot easily let go of.

The foundation of a successful day and long term fitness is a healthy breakfast. As such, it is must to carefully select the food that one should include in his/her breakfast meal. As was stated, coffee whether instant or prepared using a machine like a Delonghi espresso machine, with its numerous health benefits can be a great inclusion in a breakfast meal. Nonetheless, it is not enough to make a breakfast meal healthy. Instead, it should be incorporated with other healthy breakfast food.

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