By Hanna Nicole

An active teenager, I grew up constantly involved with sports, dance and cheerleading. These activities were always fun, until puberty hit, and I realized one day in the locker room that I was the only middle school girl not shaving! I will always remember there embarrassment of standing there with hair on my legs while my teammates gathered their razors and shave gel for the showers . The worst moment of my life was when one teammate immaturely pointed out that I had a mustache.

Like any other self-conscious teenager I scoured the drug store shelves for products promising instant hair removal or bleaching. I even suffered through a part time job in order to pay for costly waxing treatments that left my lip red and often not completely hair free. My mother watched me suffer, always assuring me that hundreds of other girls were going through the same things, but my complaining and experimenting ended graduation day when my parents surprised me with the gift of laser hair removal. Finally, my torment over hair growth would come to an end, and just in time for college.

For months I dutifully endured extremely painful treatments, and more often than not left the office with burns and welts on my upper lip. Naively I assumed that this was the price of beauty, and every third Friday I would clear my social calender for the weekend in order to deal with the swelling and redness that often took days to heal. Come August, I confidently packed my car for college, knowing my hair problems were gone forever. Imagine my disgust when months later I had not only gained my freshman fifteen, but the hair on my upper lip had grown back. My parents had wasted their money and I was back to waxing, shaving and plucking in order to keep the “stache” at bay.

My post-college job took my out of the South and into Florida, where I realized that shaving was quickly becoming a laboring morning ritual. Spending most weekends, and some weekdays in a bathing suit forced me to wake every morning thirty minutes early just to make sure that my body was hair free.

During my morning commute and advertisement for Body Details laser hair removal Aventura aired. Extremely skeptical, based on past treatment experiences, but extremely desperate to minimize my daily beauty regime, I called the number and booked a free consultation. The staff at Body Details immediately struck me as knowledgeable and professional. I was educated on the different types of lasers used for hair removal, and quickly learned that my first treatment had been performed with an IPL laser, which most often leaves patients with burns and skin irritation without ever fully killing the hair follicle. Not completely sold, but intrigued by their true laser technology, I decided to try their product on the dreaded upper lip area.

My surprise came immediately with the professionalism of the staff. The highly educated nurse who performed my treatment was open to any and all questions I had about the procedure. She explained in detail how the true laser technology worked, and assured me that I would be hair free after my round of treatments, or Body Details would continue to treat me until my hair was gone. My worry was for nothing, as the treatment caused minimal pain and swelling. My upper lip looked surprisingly normal as I drove home from the center. I was even more amazed that my lip remained hair free for weeks after my treatment, and I was somewhat anxious to return and begin treatment on the rest of my trouble areas.

Today I walk with an air of confidence knowing my body is beautiful and hair free. I do not dread my wake-up calls, knowing that my morning will be filled with minimal prep time and stress. I never worry that a beach day will catch me off guard, knowing that my skin will always be silky smooth and beautiful!

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