How Can Chakra Meditation Enhance Your Life?

By Gillian Tamzeen

Chakras are the focal points for universal energy which flows through us, whether we know it or not. Your chakras have a profound influence on your life whether this effect is good, such as when they are properly aligned for energy flow or whether this effect is for the worse, like when they are blocked, preventing the flow of energy or are out of alignment.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means energy, and while its roots are Hindu, energy is not partial to a religion. Energy is in fact universal and every single person on this Earth has these energies. The chakra is really the vortex that this energy flows through and manifest physically. The chakras are the channels by which universal energy can flow in and out of our aura.

Making sure that our chakras are aligned and balanced make it possible for us to open our minds and get a better understanding of what our true spiritual nature is. Keep in mind that most people are not balanced and their chakras are not aligned. That is why chakra meditation is so important. To begin chakra meditation it is important you know where the chakras are located and what they do.

The chakras are located in the important areas of the body like the head and the heart. The organs that surround the chakras are used to control the vortex and are directly impacted by that chakra. There are seven chakras.

Located at the base of the spine, the Root Chakra is the first of the seven. This chakra represents our body as well as our relationship to it. Your health and constitution are connected to this chakra. This chakra is also the one which helps us to understand how we connect to the world outside of ourselves. This chakra's color is red.

In the lower abdomen is out second chakra, the Navel Chakra. Representing our physical drives toward love, pleasure and sex, as well as giving and receiving, this chakra is where you will feel generosity, harmony and selflessness, as well as some acts of creativity. The color of this chakra is orange.

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, located just below our chests near the diaphragm. This chakra represents our will and our ability to change and transform. Our own control over our personal energy is governed by this chakra. This chakra is also the source of self discipline and acts as a check upon the ego. This chakra's color is yellow.

Your fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra, which can be found at the center of your chest. This chakra is representative of your feelings of compassion, love and understanding. Love which goes beyond the physical aspect is part of this chakra. Green is the color of this chakra.

The next chakra is the Throat Chakra which can be found in the throat between the chin and the top part of the sternum. This chakra is tied to our ability to communicate. This chakra helps us realize that kindness, honesty, wisdom, truth and knowledge can all be conveyed with thoughtful speech. The color of this chakra is sky blue.

Also known as the third eye, the sixth chakra is called the Brow Chakra and is located in the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for insight, imagination and intuition. This is the chakra which lets you look inward to examine your own soul. Peace of mind and an experience of the divine is also located here. This chakra's color is indigo.

Your seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra, which as you may have guessed, is situated at the top of your head. This chakra is representative of your mind and your spirit. The Crown Chakra is responsible for your ability to contemplate your own consciousness and your place in the wider universe. This chakra is directly related to the higher self. The color of the Crown Chakra is violet.

Knowing the location and function of each chakra will assist you in chakra meditation. There are meditations which you can use to align all of your chakras and meditations which focus on one chakra at a time.

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