By Brian Reynolds

Learning how to kill head lice is important for those individuals who suffer from this common condition which lends itself to constant itching. Treating the infestation right away is important as the last thing you want is for your symptoms to get worse. The following 3 natural home remedies for head lice will help you treat this condition right away using simple techniques.

1. Work olive oil into your hair

A common method that has proven to be successful with many is by working olive oil deep into your hair until it is thoroughly soaked in it. The lice and the eggs they will lay will suffocate from the oil as they are unable to breathe so they will be dead the following morning. Be sure to use a shower cap so you can cover your hair as you let it sit with the oil until the morning.

2. Use a fine tooth comb that is metal

You can buy a metal fine tooth comb at a local drug store as you will need it to remove all the lice and the eggs they have may laid in your hair. Do not rush this process as the last thing you want is for the infestation to spread again because of one egg so be sure to take your time. To be on the safe side, repeat the steps as described again several times afterwards to ensure the lice are completely removed.

3. Wash your clothes and bedding with hot water

When you have identified a lice problem, you need to take all your clothes and bedding that you have used in the last few days. While these pests cannot survive for long without a host, they can easily transmit from your clothes to another individual or a house pet. Be sure to vacuum and steam clean your entire house by making sure your carpet, mattress and furniture are all cleaned.

Before you purchase over the counter treatments or visit your doctor, you may be able to completely eradicate the problem by implementing the methods as described above. Natural remedies such as mayonnaise and olive oil have also worked successfully for many individuals but this is something you will have to try to kill head lice.

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