By Clinton Gunia

Chronic back pain is experienced by hundreds of thousands of people. Acute flare ups of pain can involve even more people whose only relief is to visit a chiropractic clinic. Vestavia Hills chiropractic therapy is certain to provide relief to the individual in pain with a selection of up-to-the minute treatments.

Physical and Psychological Components of Pain

About four out of every five adults experiences back pain at some time during the lifetime. Chronic pain is defined as that pain which lasts longer than 3 months. It may begin with a physical cause, but doesn't necessarily go away even when the physical problem has healed.

What Creates Back Pain?

The back is an amazing feat of construction, strictly from an engineering standpoint. The various parts of the back muscles, spine and nerves interconnect with each other and are dependent upon each other. A relatively minor irritation to one muscle from overuse, for example, can result in overcompensation to protect the area from further irritation. In the process, the entire spine is affected and thrown off balance. The muscles spasm and knot in reaction to the unnatural positioning.


Treatment of back pain must begin with a comprehensive physical exam. Sometimes x-rays are necessary in order to check the alignment of the spine and hips. Once point zero has been identified, a treatment plan can be prepared. A holistic approach to back pain treats the entire person. Specific treatments can include adjustment, decompression, exercise, posture and massage.

Preventative Measures

Continuing pain, regardless of its location is not just something to be endured. It is important to avoid situations where accidental pain happens. Lifting too much or from the wrong orientation is often the cause of back pain. This is could have been prevented by learning how to lift and carry properly. Posture plays a role in prevention. A few simple exercises can also reduce the likelihood of pain.

After identifying specific and general causes of pain, treatment through Vestavia Hills chiropractic therapy can be initiated. The chiropractor treats the underlying cause, not just the symptoms. Natural means do not need surgery and can be accomplished without drugs. They offer lasting relief from pain.

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