Ideas For Safe And Natural Wart Removal

By Adam Sampson

There are several Natural wart removal home remedies that can save the expense of seeing a podiatrist or dermatologist to have them frozen or burned off. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are harmless bumps that grow in clusters. Warts can develop on any part of the body but are most common on the feet, knees, arms, and hands. Going outdoors without wearing shoes makes a person more susceptible.

They look like tiny cauliflowers and are rough in texture. The color is usually a combination of pink, red, and brown. This color is from the capillaries that give the warts nutrients. If left untreated, they can spread into very large, unsightly clusters. While there are many over-the-counter treatments, often the best results are home remedies. Let\'s look at some tried and tested solutions.

Tea tree oil has a host of beneficial uses, one of which is getting rid of warts. It has strong antiseptic properties to prevent infection. From the moment it is applied, it not only soothes the skin but it starts attacking the virus. You must, however, use a high quality tea tree oil. Twice a day, dab the warts with a cotton pad. They should disappear within 10 days.

The efficacy of duct tape for warts has been recognized for many years. Cut some and tape it over the warts fairly tightly. It will suffocate them and make the skin softer which enables the bumps to fall away. Peel the tape off carefully when removing it.

There are many health benefits of garlic have been well-documented. This potent bulb can help prevent baldness, lower blood pressure, and prevent certain cancers. It\'s no surprise therefore that it can eradicate warts. Rub a raw, peeled clove onto the affected area five or six times a day.

Another excellent treatment involves apple vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and tape it firmly over the growths. Put a new ball on every day and be sure to sleep with it on. You can also apply this method with lime juice or pharmaceutical alcohol.

Onions, like garlic, have astringent and antiseptic properties. Apparently, the following recipe is infallible. All you need is white vinegar and one onion. Peel the onion and cut it into round thin slices and soak in vinegar for 10 to 12 hours. After this, place one slice over the bumps and secure it in position with duct tape or a bandage. Seal it completely so that air cannot enter.

Certain fruits extracts are effective for natural wart removal. These are papaya, grapefruit, and pineapple. Apply one drop of extract directly on the warts and cover with banana peel. The inner part of the peel should be in contact with the skin. Grapefruit, papaya, pineapples, and banana all contain a certain enzyme that helps clear up skin blemishes. Warts cannot be prevented, but some precautionary measures can be taken. If you go outdoors, wear shoes. If you cut or scratch your skin, clean it immediately with water and antiseptic soap. Wear flip-flops whenever you go into a public shower, locker room, or when walking around a public swimming pool.

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