Companies That Make Best Self Tanner 2011

By Haywood Hunter

Sunless tanning products have become a regular talk among women and teenage girls who want to have a radiant skin tone. They move around in an attempt to pick the Best Self Tanner 2011 that suit their skin tone. The hunt can be successful for a few who know what they want, but for the uninformed folks it may be unsuccessful and dangerous too. This makes it necessary to learn how Best Self Tanner 2011 products work.

The first aspect to know is that best self tanner 2011 may be applied at the surface of the body or can be ingested. Those, which are applied on the surface, work in many different ways. The first method involves increasing blood flow at the surface. The second method involves, raising the rate of melanin production on the surface, while the 3rd way entails a reaction between amino acid in dead cells and the tanning product.

Best self tanner 2011 products that cause a tan by being consumed are made in form of tanning pills. The pills contain canthaxanthin compound as the main component. Canthaxanthin needs to be consumed in large amounts to cause the required effect properly. Even though canthaxanthin is not approved for use in Best Self Tanner 2011 products by many medical bodies, some producers insist on using it.

Canthaxanthin is known as an elegant food coloring pigment but not as a tanner. Users are discouraged from the use of tanning pills because they have been observed to cause many bad conditions and effects. First, it causes a tan internally by being deposited onto internal body organs like lungs, intestines, the skin, liver, kidneys, and the heart among others. The accumulation grows bigger and bigger with every pill that one consumes, leading to organ failure in the long run.

best self tanner 2011 commodities, which function at the surface, have limited effect on uppermost layers of skins. This renders Best Self Tanner 2011 products of such type harmless if utilized in the right way. Best self tanner 2011 products, which boost flow of blood to skins cause a tingling sensation as the volume of blood rises. The blood brings dead cells, hence making tanning fast and easy.

The most widely utilized best self tanner 2011 products are those, which contain erythrulose and DHA. These two compounds are extracts of sugar and are derived from sugar canes and beetroots. They provide the most efficient and safest way to tanning. They could be used in combination with other substances that help in moisturizing and bronzing bodies. Many best self tanner 2011 products contain erythrulose and DHA in mixture because the mixture results in better outcomes than when each is used in isolation.

DHA and erythrulose react with amino acids contained in dead cells over the body. This reaction ends with the formation of a dark brown pigment on the skin. The pigment is a combination of the tanner and dead cells. The tan lasts a short time and then fades away as dead cells start wearing off. The tan may also wash in the shower.

Best self tanner 2011 products appear in various sizes and colors. They are also made in various concentrations to suit individuals with different skin tones. Due to competition among manufacturers and enhancements in production techniques, they have become so cheap.

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