By George Reynolds

Eye exercises have helped most people improve their eye sights. However, eye exercises are not meant to strengthen eye muscles, but to relax them. According to the Bates theory, the cause of blurred eyesight, chronically tense muscles causes the eye to become distorted from its naturally spherical shape. For instance, nearsightedness is caused when tense muscles elongate the eye, when it flattens the eye, it causes farsightedness. Therefore, eye exercises help to relax these external eye muscles and allow the eye to maintain its normal spherical shape. One of the causes of chronically tense muscles is staring.

One of the exercises that improve eyesight involves sweeping out an extensive visual field, an exercise called long swing. To do this, stand with foot apart, let your hands freely rest at your side, relax your shoulders, jaw and facial muscles and look forward. Thereafter, twist your upper body to the left, let your head and eyes turn to the left and make sure our eyes sweep smoothly to the left. Your right heal may lift as you twist left. Then rotate your upper body through the center and on to the right. Now rotate your upper body left again, then right again in an easy swinging motion for about 50 cycles. During the long swings, you will likely notice that you see many objects clearly, an indication that your eye muscles have relaxed and you are beginning to improve your eyesight.

Palming is also another eye exercise. With this you simply rest comfortably in a chair at a table, place your elbow on the table with your palms over your eyes, let the fingers of one hand overlap the fingers of the other while your palms cover over your eyes, but do not press into your eyes, instead try to block out all the light. Let your eyes rest and relax as they experience the darkness. As you breathe out, you are expelling the tension from your eyes. The relaxing difference may be felt lie ten, minutes after.

The third exercise is sunning. Here one sits in front of the bright light or relax outdoors on a sunny day. Gently close your eyelids and be aware of the brightness and warmth of the lights. Let your eyes enjoy the brightness and the soothing warmth. You can gently rotate your head so the first eye enjoys the full exposure to the light and warmth, and then rotate your head for the other eye also. During this exercise, you should feel the tension draining from your eyes and for the first moment you should experience improved eyesight when you first open your eyes.

Finally, note that the more you eye-exercise, the more you improve your eyesight.

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