4 Weird Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections

By Serena Sutter

There are several proven natural remedies used for yeast infections that are a more effective than the over the counter medicine that you buy at the store. Want to get rid of your annoying yeast infection? Find relief through these natural remedies mentioned below.

Honey Is a Fast and Effective Remedy For Candida.

Try this at home, take organic honey and liberally apply it to the affected area. Make sure you let the honey sit for not more then 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, take a warm bath or shower to wash off the honey. Don't forget to make sure you are completely dry once your done.

Although honey is proven to be an effective natural remedy for yeast infections, it is controversial. Honey, just like yogurt's healing properties when it comes to yeast infections, can help increase the amount of good bacteria in your body as well as help and restore balance back to your body.

Wait, there's bad news, honey is high in sugar. Yeast thrive on sugar. Using honey may in fact, worsen the problem.

People who support the honey remedy believe that as long as your body's good bacteria level increases, than the amount of sugar your taking in shouldn't matter.

The Surprising Truth About Apple Cider Vinegar and Candida.

Try mixing 1 cups of raw, unpasteurized, organic apple cider vinegar in your bath water before you take a bath. Don't spend more then 20 minutes in the bathtub before you completely and thoroughly dry off.

Restore your body's natural pH levels by bathing in the apple cider vinegar mixture. An increase amount of acidity in your body can help get rid of your yeast infection. Bathing in apple cider vinegar will help bring your body's natural acidity level back as well as give the good bacteria in your body to grow and restore the balance to your body.

Discover the Benefits of Acid.

Another good natural remedy for yeast infections is boric acid. Similar to apple cider vinegar, boric acid can help restore your body's pH and acidity levels. By doing this you will help your body cycle back to it's normal and healthy levels to get rid of your yeast infection.

In order to use boric acid to help fight yeast infections, try putting it in capsule form and simply insert it into your body. Just like taking other capsule pill, the capsule will dissolve, allowing boric acid to be released.

Caution, never ever orally take boric acid because it is poisonous when ingested.

Discover the Magic Behind Tea Tree Oil.

Similar to garlic, tea tree oil is just as effective anti-fungal that can be used to help treat yeast infections. Try this one on for size, put a few drops of tea tree oil on a tampon or a piece of gauze and insert it into the affected area. Put in a new and fresh tampon or piece of gauze in every 6 hours.

Do not use tea tree oil for yeast infection remedies when your pregnant because is can be very dangerous for you and the baby. You should always first talk to a health practitioner before trying natural health remedies.

These natural remedies is a faster and more affordable way to help get rid of yeast infections fast and effectively.

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