Look ma, I can turn my head now!

By Dr. Michael Weir

Have you ever known anyone that has gotten GREAT results with a chiropractor in respect to how much better they can move their neck or back? Why is this? One of the reasons is the fact that chiropractors are "doctors of the nervous system" and we affect the body, not only on a mechanical aspect (bones, joints, muscles), but on a neurological level.

In my post doctorate work in chiropractic neurology we used the text "Principles of Neural Science", by Kandel and Schwartz, which is a 1400 page text book about the ins and outs of neurology. In this book it gives us a perfect model of how we as chiropractors restore normal motion in the body.

Simply put, we tell the brain which is what controls your muscles, to relax. The chiropractic "adjustment" puts a fast stretch (just what it sounds like) on the muscle spindles and the golgi tendon organ in the muscle, which in turn creates a reflex relaxation response and activates the 1B fibers of the golgi tendon organ which creates relaxation with the muscle. This is how you can move so much better after a chiropractic treatment. Sound complex? It really is, but this is how chiropractors get such great results is that we affect the nervous system so profoundly!

A lack of mobility in your neck or back can be a warning sign of much deeper issues, such as degenerative changes, scar tissue build or even arthritis. It is very important that you have your spine assessed by a trained chiropractor that can tell you if you are a candidate for chiropractic care to arrest any problems that may be developing.

Bellevue chiropractor Dr. Michael Weir is the clinic director at Back in Action Chiropractic. He is board eligible for his diplomat in chiropractic neurology through the Carrick institute of graduate studies.

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