By Serena Sutter

Yeast infections are no fun. If you've got one, you want it gone as soon as possible. It is next to impossible to focus on anything with all the burning, itching, and other discomfort that comes with a yeast infection. The embarrassment is no insignificant thing either. Of course there are treatments you can get at any pharmacy, but so many people experience disappointing results with these kinds of treatments.

For a lot of people, these creams that you get at the store will actually worsen things and their condition will develop into a chronic yeast infection. Take the time to really look at what your options are, since some of these popular options can actually make things worse. A lot of the common creams and such work by killing off weaker yeast strains. This leaves the stronger strains of yeast that can come in and fill in where the weaker ones were. This helps to explain why your yeast infection may actually get worse after you use some of these treatments. Most of these OTC treatments are a complete waste of money and time if they're just going to make things worse.

A lot of people may not realize this, but yeast infections can actually be traded back and forth between sexual partners. A lot of chronic yeast infections are actually caused by repeated exposure to the candida albicans fungus in this way. This is how a lot of men may unknowingly be passing a yeast infection on to their partner even if they themselves do not show any symptoms.

You might also develop a yeast infection as the result of using antibiotics. Not all bacteria is bad for us, but most antibiotics don't distinguish between "good" or "bad" bacteria. They take them all out. Yeast infections are usually kept under control by good bacteria that is naturally present in our bodies, but if this bacteria is eliminated, then yeast can move in and grow unchecked.

Here are some effective yeast infection remedies:

Tea Tree Oil - Tea tree oil can be a very effective natural treatment for yeast infections. Tea tree oil is a great anti-fungal agent. Dilute the tea tree oil to avoid any sort of unpleasant feelings. Tea tree oil is quite intense on its own and you don't want to apply it strait to any sensitive areas. Take a tampon and dip in into diluted oil before inserting it for about 2 hours or so for best results.

Vinegar / Apple Cider Vinegar - You can naturally reset your body's pH levels and kill of a yeast infection automatically by using vinegar or apple cider vinegar. All you need to do is take a minimum of 3 baths per week with one cup of vinegar added to it. Each bath should last at a minimum 20 minutes. To be save Make sure you try off well following the bath. Yeast infections thrive in moist environments and you wouldn't want to inadvertently encourage it.

Garlic - Garlic is another extremely powerful anti-fungal. All you need to do is wrap a clove of garlic with cheese cloth before putting in the affected area. As an alternative, you may also wish to take garlic tablets.

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