By Emily Diaz

In recent history, few exercise trends have done as well being promoted as yoga. There are all sorts of yoga-related products and teaching aids: classes to videos to books, every place you go there seems to be yoga culture and benefits in every corner. There are many benefits to yoga, to be sure, another benefit to these exercises is that doing them helps you grow taller faster.

Since being introduced to the West, yoga has become more than simply a way to improve one's physique or well-being. Since yoga stretches your spine and muscles, it's a great way to gain balance and the strength your body uses to grow taller. You don't have to immediately consider medicinal or surgical intervention, you can achieve results naturally using yoga.

These stretches are trademarked for its very fluid-like postures which center the body. This will allow you to become more agile and limber, while you are also taught to control your breathing. A lot of people don't realize that your breathing has a direct relation to your growth. Shallow breathing will keep you from reaching your full potential.

Yoga helps you grow taller faster using various stretching poses, doing the various poses will allow you to grow more flexible. This will in turn affect your back, since the full range of motion that you attain will help out your spine in decompressing from all the pressure of the day. Gravity is what will keep you from growing taller than you are.

By trying out a number of these exercises will help you to address and stimulate your cartilage, which is a part of every joint, as well as your spine, getting it to elongate and become thicker. This will translate into added height when taken as a whole. You can also find that these exercises are going to help you to correct a poor posture, which is very important to growing taller.

You can try out any number of different exercises that come from the practice of yoga that will help you grow taller faster. One of these exercises is called the Suskhasana. This exercise will allow you to learn to control your breathing as you tone your lower back muscles and hips.

The beginning position will have you sit on the floor, cross-legged, placing your hands on top of your knees. Be sure to keep your back straight, pushing your buttocks down onto the floor, bringing your knees down as well. Breathe in five times deeply, and as you inhale, bring your arms over your head. Then, as you lower your arms, you will slowly exhale, repeating this five to seven times.

You can try to take it up one notch and perform the Trikonasana, and this movement is difficult to perform and explain. The starting position is standing with your legs spread so your feet are about one yard apart. Your left foot should be pointed to the left about ninety degrees, your right should be pointed forty-five degrees towards the inside. Inhale slowly, taking a deep breath as you bring your arms to either side, and then breathe out as you turn your head to face your left arm, looking along its length.

After that point you breathe in deeply as you stretch yourself towards your left ankle, tilting your left hip downwards, stretching as far as you can. When you have reached that point, then you will want to rotate your arms until your left hand resides against the inside of your left calf, with your opposite arm pointing upwards. The last bit is to be sure to breathe in again while you straighten back up, letting out your breath as you bring your arms down.

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