By Ken Salazar

Toenails and fingernails may well be infected by nail infection, also often referred to as Onychomycosis. Our toenails and fingernails are very important barriers. The protective barriers that protect our finger and toe nails can sometimes be invaded by nail infection.

According to reports at the Department of Health and Human Services, many the U.S. population, ultimately experience nail fungus. Beneath the nails is just the right place for fungus to thrive, given it needs a damp, safe, and dark place to flourish. This may be sometimes why it's so difficult to remedy nail fungus infections.

Our toenails are typically hidden by socks and shoes, which are often moist, and most often dark and warm. This is amongst the reasons why fungal nail infections often appears in the toenails. Almost six to seven times more than our fingernails, our toenails are more prone to fungus.

Signs of nail fungus infection can be the irritation and redness located on the sides of the nail. The very first parts of the nail to get infected are usually the base and around the sides. As the fungi commence to spread, usually there are changes in the nail and nail bed. Mild discomforts, pain or itchiness often accompany the space near the nails, also called the cuticles.

The cuticles can start to disconnect or bleed. The nail may experience various color changes, like dark yellow-brown, yellow-green, and may even get some white spots. The thickness of the nail increases and forms unusual indentations and little holes.

Catching it before it starts is the best treatment. Take care of your nails and don't forget to cut them horizontally. Soak nails in salty water if they're too rough to cut. Use 1 teaspoon for each gallon of water. Keep your feet totally free of moisture. Be careful when adding artificial nails, and be wise and thoughtful in choosing a manicurist. Ask about whether or not they sanitize their utensils as well as how.

Fungal bacteria can transmit from person to another if conditions are right, like moist air and bare feet. While locker rooms, shower stalls and bathrooms would be the the most prominent places for fungal activity, fungi can also camp on nail files. It's possible avoid nail infections simply by using caution. Wear protective shoes when using communal showers, and don't use other people's nail files.

Lighter colored nail polishes allow light to pass through to your nail; which helps prevent moisture from getting trapped under nail polish and fake nails. Do your best to not use fake nails.

Treatments such as topical creams are usually useful for less severe infections. Take a look at your neighborhood pharmacy for foot care fungal creams or treatments. The creams you will most probably find will include Nizoral, Lamisil, Lotrimin, Tinactin and Monistat. Sometimes if topical treatment options neglect to produce any results, health care providers will suggest and prescribe an oral treatment which contains more potency.

Lots of things regarding the body can be found through the nails. The sign of a body in superb condition, is healthy nails. The sign of a body in bad condition, is poor, weak nails. An eating plan high in protein can help the nails growth and strengthen.

If you see signs of fungus, contact your doctor or podiatrist. Should you be taking other medications, birth control, or are pregnant, be sure you tell your medical doctor about any adverse effects you may experience.

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