5 Caveman Nutrition Health Benefits

By Jerry Sax

The Paleo Diet has been called the caveman diet with good reason: it's based on the diet that our primal ancestors lived on back before wheat was harvested and there was a McDonald's in every town. While there are cons to the Paelo Diet, there also are some health advantages to eating like humans did ten thousand years ago. Below are some advantages!

5 Paleo Diet Health Benefits

1) It's unprocessed. In layman's terms cavewoman failed to have to stress about eating organic because everything was organic and natural without preservatives and artificial ingredients. Following the Paleo Diet helps you to eat a clean diet.

2) It decreases bloat. Need flatter abs? Reduce bloat by getting more fiber, drinking water and avoiding salt. All beliefs of the Paleo Diet!

3) It's high in fruit and veg. Besides protein, the great majority of the Paleo Diet eating plan is made of a diet loaded in fruits and vegetables. Getting five a day in is no problem!

4) It's high in healthy fats. The Paleo Diet is high in omega-3 rich fish and nuts. These protein sources are full of healthy fats!

5) It's filling. This nutrient heavy diet plan is also quite filling. Between the proteins, the healthful fats and the fruits and veggies, it's hard to go hungry.

The paleo diet cookbook attempts to return modern dieting habits to those of ancient humans who inhabited the Earth for millions of years. For most of human history, humans didn't eat dairy products, sugar or salts, so those are banned from the paleo diet, as are beans, grains and potatoes because they are dangerous in their raw state. These food are also mostly carbohydrate-rich and raise the glycemic index. Foods that are advocated in the paleo diet include lean meats, eggs, fish, veggies, mushrooms, fruits and nuts. Root plants like carrots and beets are particularly encouraged under the paleo diet plan as are organ meats such as liver.

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