By Haywood Hunter

Everybody loves the sun and everybody seems to want a good tan. The big C, however, is always on the lookout for victims and it is incredibly important to protect oneself against the harmful rays of the sun. It is not the sunlight, per se, that cause harm, but rather the UV rays. It is vitally important to protect oneself against harm and the only way in which to do this is to pay attention to purchasing a high quality tanning lotion.

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Numerous scientific studies have found that protracted exposure to direct sunlight pose a wide variety of dangers. Not only can cancer develop, but the skin will almost certain age prematurely. Liver spots and other scars may develop and those people with birthmarks need to be particularly careful. Young children and infants should never be exposed.

Emergency room doctors will confirm that some of the worst cases of sunburn are caused during cloudy conditions and when people have fun in the water. It is simply not true that shade stops the harmful effects from the sun. In fact, many people spend longer periods without protection because they do not experience the direct effect of sunlight.

The potential dangers aside, sunlight also provide many positive side effects. Moderate exposure causes the skin to thicken slightly, helping to protect against minor injuries. As the skin get browner, melamine is produced and this is highly beneficial in protecting the skin against damage.

It is generally best to buy the very best sunscreen that can be afforded. The main selection factor is the SPF rating. The higher this rating, the more efficient the sunscreen is in protecting against harm. Experts advise that a product with a minimum SPF factor or thirty should be used. It is also important to ensure that the product protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

There can be little doubt that a good quality tanning lotion is one of the best ways in which to protect the skin against potential harm from the sun. The use of sunscreen should become a standard regime when venturing outdoors and it should be applied to every part of the body that may be exposed.

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