By Lily Willam

Do you get Swollen Feet And Ankles? Swollen feet and ankles can cause you a lot of pain. There are many people who suffer from swollen feet and ankles. There is a number of reasons why people suffer from Swollen Feet And Ankles. If you go on flight very regularly, you will also get Swollen Feet And Ankles very regularly. You will have real problems when you suffer from Swollen Feet And Ankles. Sometimes wearing high heels can also cause swollen feet and ankles. If you are someone who suffers swollen feet and ankles on a regular basis, then you should read this article. This article will provide you with tips and guides to get relieve from Swollen Feet And Ankles.

To cure any swollen feet and ankles, first you have to check what causes them. Those people who have pulmonary arterial hypertension will suffer from swollen feet and ankles. For someone who has pulmonary arterial hypertension they should see a good doctor. The doctor will give you the right medicine to get rid of this problem. Do not take any medicines without the doctor's prescription.

If you suffer from swollen feet and ankles because you wear high heels, you should stop wearing high heels for sometime. You should stick to flat shoes. Or what you can do is soak your feet in warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes. You will get instant relief from swollen feet and ankles. Many people follow this easy therapy. You can do this every time you wear high heels.

People who get swollen feet and ankles due to flying could also make use of this treatment. You can add a pinch of salt to the warm water. After the immersion is complete you ought to dry your feet with a soft towel. You can also let someone gently massage your feet and ankles.

You will also find many tips and guides on how to cure the swollen feet and ankles. You need to go to a good website to find different cures swollen feet and ankles.

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