Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Works For All?


By Jake Alexandre

Old age is that part of life where there are most of the changes starting to affect a person's body. As the levels of hormones get to a decline, there are chances that a woman starts to develop negative symptoms and these can be seen most prominently in those who are in the transition of developing symptoms and this can be experienced even near the age of 35.

The symptoms that are associated with this make a women realize the fact that now reproduction will be difficult for her and she is reaching that stage which is known as menopause. When these symptoms are taken into review, a woman comes across a variety of symptoms which include psychiatric, psychological, and physical symptoms and all of these make her a likely candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy.

When we talk about Hormone Replacement Therapy, we basically focus on either their short term usage or long term usage. Hormone Replacement Therapy can be used on long term basis in patients who present with some reproductive tract pathology at a young age. It can be used as a short term therapy in order to ease and calm down the menopausal disturbances. This is one of the reasons why Hormone Replacement Therapy is a good choice in menopausal woman because it is used shortly until the menopausal symptoms resolve.

The problem occurring with synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy is its adverse effect profile such as aggravating known cases of breast and endometrial cancers and worsening the condition of those females who are suffering from heart diseases. Additionally, Hormone Replacement Therapy can cause monthly irregular bleeding, tenderness of breasts, discoloration of skin and headache.

So for these adverse effects, regular check up from a General Practitioner is necessary. The risk varies with every woman according to her lifestyle and risk factors present within her. These risks have not been shown to be true with bioidentical hormones, but are to be assumed according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is hormone replacement with the use of hormones that are identical to the molecular structure of the human body (bioidentical) which is believed by many physicians to not have the same adverse effects as synthetic hormones.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a very effective treatment option for the relief of menopausal symptoms in women.

Menopausal symptoms should also be treated with adjunctive therapy. For example, a woman is suffering from menopause-related-osteoporosis should also be therapeutically treated with taking calcium and vitamin D which aims to deposit calcium into the bones.

To conclude, it can be said that Hormone Replacement Therapy is still a wonderful choice provided that it is used properly under supervision of a practicing doctor.

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