Why You Should Eat Low Carb Desserts


By Lamar Lee

You may notice you suddenly feel exhausted after consuming a yummy treat for dessert. It makes me feel like I'm groggy and slow - like my mind has stopped functioning. This is especially difficult when I'm at work and have to be productive and alert. This is one of my reasons for opting to consume low carbohydrate desserts instead.

Low carb desserts are similar in taste to other desserts. They are equally sweet and delicious. They only differ in the fact that low carb desserts are made from low carb recipes. That pretty much negates the presence of sugar and flour. Instead, low carb desserts are usually sweetened with a naturally non-caloric sweetener, such as stevia. This allows them to be sweet-tasting like sugar without adding any carbs or calories. Flour substitutes such as coconut milk, flax meal, or almond meal, are used. This means your dessert will have high fiber content instead of being pumped full of carbohydrates. Fiber works by slowing down the entry of glucose into your blood and generally aids in your digestion. What all this means in the end is that you won't have to endure that sugar crash after your lunch or dinner. Your alertness and wakefulness won't be compromised. You should start cutting out sugar from your breakfast meal as this will ensure that you stay awake throughout the day. Eat low sugar cereals in the mornings to do this.

Of course, staying more awake is not the benefit. Eating low carb desserts will also help you lose weight. Normal desserts have all those extra calories that you wouldn't have to deal with if you eat low carb desserts that use the non-caloric sweeteners instead of sugar. There's nothing wrong with zero-calories sweeteners; we just have wrong perceptions regarding them. Many people think that it's unnatural, but considering how much processing goes into sugar, it's hard to describe it as 'natural.' Besides, not all zero-calories sweeteners have been manufactured artificially. For example, Stevia is extracted from a naturally occurring plant and has been used for decades without any ill effects by various other countries. In fact, Japan has a long history of using Stevia as a way to combat eating too much sugar.

I'd understand if you have some skepticism regarding this matter. After all, can something with no sugar and no flour really taste good? We could spend hours and hours discussing just how much I love low carb desserts, but you won't have a clear picture of it unless you actually try these desserts yourself. Obtaining low carb desserts nowadays is no longer so difficult. Some you can purchase online, and some you can make yourself.

You can't fail to find low carb dessert recipes since there's so many of them around. I have only recently discovered a recipe for delicious low carb fudge! I just chanced upon the recipe on one of my online forays. They are very easy to make and the ingredients are very few and also easy to find. In other recipes, you would find yourself searching high and low for ingredients that you've probably never even heard of. When cooking with these recipes and using ingredients that are unfamiliar to you, make sure you follow the instructions carefully. You have to be astute as to your choice of recipes because you might be choosing one that is not really low carb but is only purported to be. Some recipes may claim to be low carb but the ingredients actually contain high levels of carbohydrates.

Now all that is left is for you to go out there and look for low carb desserts that you will both enjoy and obtain health benefits from.

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