By Javier Luque

Prescription pain medication can cause more discomfort than the injury in many people. A certain percentage of the population cannot handle the side effects of pharmaceutical medications. Alternative therapies are available at an office of your local Vernon chiropractor. If you suffer from herniated disc pain, you might want to consider acupuncture as alternative to pain drugs.

Truck drivers and heavy machine operators are prone to disc herniation. Due to the repetitive and vibrational motion of the vehicles, their vertebrae can become compacted over time. Disc herniation interferes with the nerve's ability to function properly. Pain occurs at the injury site and can travel the entire nerve path. This condition can also happen when lifting heavy objects or improper lifting.

The traditional medicine of China includes acupuncture. This method of healing is based on balancing the natural energy of a person. It is believed that there are channels that run throughout the body where its energy travels. Acupuncture attempts to balance the electromagnetic energy running through these channels or meridians.

At certain points on the meridians, there are reading points referred to as acupoints. This is where the balance between the each side of a body is observed. By activating certain sites, along the meridian, electromagnetic flow is increased or decreased s needed. Some sites control inflammation while others control specific organs and healing.

TCM in China is a lifelong practice. Just the reading chi or energy, can take decades to achieve master status. Another form, developed in Japan, uses the levels of electrical resistance measured at acupoints. This objective output can readily show what points are deficient, excessive, and need to be adjusted to bring both sides into balance.

Acupuncture is one way that your pain can be alleviated. Talk to your Vernon chiropractor about a program that can bring relief for your herniated disc pain. By performing a simple online search, you can find a chiropractic doctor who offers acupuncture services.

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