By Leroy Lombard

Being pregnant should be a thrilling and exciting time in a woman's life. With everything going on from baby showers, to picking the name, to decorating the new baby's room, it seems like there is so much to do. This time in your life is surely a time of eager anticipation. But many women may start to feel intense back pain as their pregnancy nears the later months.

This does not only pose a problem for your daily tasks and chores, but it also affects the quality of your life. This is particularly sad since this is supposed to be a joyful time in your life.

It shouldn't be hard to figure out that the pain your feeling is a direct result of your growing belly and added weight. As your stomach grows larger, it will begin to make you lean forward. To keep your balance, you have to lean the rest of your torso backward. This posture will accentuate your curvature of your back and really place serious pressure on your lower back and hips.

That all sounds pretty accurate, but back pain during pregnancy has other causes too. Muscle imbalances can cause almost all cases of back pain, not just in pregnant women, but in all people out there in society.

The overall condition and strength of your muscles is incredibly important when it comes to keeping your back strong and healthy. Normally your muscles should work evenly and with equal force when you move an arm or leg, for example. As one muscle contracts, another one will stretch and loosen up. And the amount that these muscles contracts of stretches should be equal. If this isn't happening then you will develop muscle imbalances.

As a pregnant woman, everything you do from walking, sitting, sleeping, twisting, or bending over, will require you muscles to adjust to your growing belly. Any muscle imbalances you have in your back will only become worse during your pregnancy.

These imbalances will pull your back further out of alignment and place even more stress on your bones and joints. Your spine is composed of 24 vertebrae. Normally your spine and your hips are aligned to carry the weight of your body evenly. But if just one of those 24 bones becomes slightly out of alignment, then your muscles have to do over time to carry the weight. If this happens you'll be much more likely to have back problems and you'll be more likely to suffer a back injury.

At this point your pregnancy becomes a painful thing to endure. It is unfortunate that a pregnancy, the time in a woman's life that is normally full of joy and happiness, should become filled with pain and suffering.

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