Chakra Healing - The Foundation

By Tony Cuckson

The foundation of Chakra healing and Chakra balancing starts with a firm connection to the Root Chakra which is also called the Muladhara Chakra.

Chakra balancing begins In the root Chakra where we find sleeping within us all our potential. The energetic of the root Chakra represents the experience of our day to day life. The root Chakra energy is the foundation of our earthly experience. It is our experience of living in our body within the dimension of space and time. At the very beginning of our lives we are required is to connect to the body and be well informed in the true meaning of that word. It is our essential task to become grounded in our physical bodies. From a psychological viewpoint the root Chakra is where the Self and everything that is Divine within still sleeps. We are the Sleeping Beauty within that must awake. The lower Chakras have elements associated with them. The element that is associated with the root Chakra (Muladhara chakra) is the earth element. It represents the connection to form and the need to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground.

The person who has a strong root Chakra might well live life from the following perspective. They are able to say no and mean it. They can affirm their physical sense of "I am." They appreciate their body and give it great food, proper rest and are able to sense what the body needs when it needs it. They are not obsessive about their body image and neither have they got issues around food such as under eating or over eating. The person that has a well balanced root Chakra is able to manifest into form what it is they they wish to create in the world.

For someone with a carefully balanced root Chakra the world they live is seen and felt, for the most part, as being a safe place. They have been fortunate to have been brought up in a loving environment where their wishes where met and their unfolding was encouraged in unique ways. Many people don't experience the world in such a way and they are easily thrown off balance. Any one of us could at anytime lose our job. We might experience the breakup of a key relationship. We might experience some form of health crisis. To support our spiritual growth and to move into higher stages of personal and spiritual growth we need to work tirelessly to maintain the balance of the root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra).

Somebody with a poorly functioning root Chakra might well live in the realm of their imagination and take minimal care for the health of the body. They take little exercise, live typically in their heads, eat food that is absent of life within it and aren't in any way engaged with the earth. This, for the most part, is the experience of the majority of the population of the Western world with its epidemic of obesity and disease connected with having a poor body image. It's a form of unconscious body hatred and is proven by a kind of neglect of the body. In more extreme cases this loathing of the body leads to the person taking their own life. Someone with an unbalanced root Chakra is someone who's sense of who they are is weak. They have problems in asserting the essence of the root Chakra. This is their ability to happily affirm their personal sense of, "I am."

One key way to begin to ensure the balance of the root Chakra is to establish a program of regular exercising, eating wisely, development of the senses and to maintain a decent sleep routine. It can really help tremendously to attempt to create a real sense of safety within at least one area of your life. This is a place where, in a very real sense one can go to ground.

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