Not Everything You Have Heard About Acne Is True

By Merlyn L Bauswell

A lot of people have acne. But a lot of people don't know why they have it and how to get rid of it. What causes it is not known. But, some of the things that people think cause acne are actually wrong. In this article, we will look at some of the misconceptions about acne and the wrong things that people do to get over it.

A lot of people want to pop pimples on their face. Even though this might get rid of the pimple temporarily, this will only make your acne much worse in the future. This is because popping pimples will cause more dirt to get into the skin. This will lead to pimples in other locations. Squeezing pimples can leave marks on your face. Quite naturally, this is not anything that you want to do. Even though it might seem the right thing to do, avoid it because it will not improve your acne. Use your medication. Just learn to treat the affected areas well. Do not pop your zits. Wash them gently when you wash your face.

One belief about acne that's still uncertain is whether or not stress can make it worse. Some evidence suggests that stress activates certain hormones in your body. This can cause acne to form. Stress is probably not the initial cause of acne. But, it could make the condition worse. In any case, stress is certainly not going to help you. So, it's always a good idea to look for ways to reduce it. Try not to let acne itself stress you out. This can happen when someone has a severe case that's hard to get rid of. Just do your best to find a solution. Remember that sooner or later it will clear up.

The relationship between acne and wearing makeup is a little complicated. Wearing the right makeup can certainly hide blemishes, and it can be useful for that purpose. However, many people also believe that makeup can contribute to the problem. So is it safe to wear makeup if you have acne? This really depends on the kind of makeup you use and how sensitive your skin is. It's best to look for products that are labeled noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic, as these are unlikely to irritate your skin or make your acne worse. However, if you have severe acne it's best to ask your doctor about what kind of makeup is safe to wear. Everyone's skin is a little different, and in some cases makeup might be an irritant, so this is one belief about acne that's not always a myth.

Acne is not just limited to teenagers. Learn all that you can about acne so that you can get rid of it. This means that you have to question some of the acne info that you get. Keep in mind that getting rid of acne is complex. So just get used to it and do everything to get rid of it.

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