How Is One To Know Which Weight Lose Diets To Pick?

By Melissa Taylor

Weight lose diets - a million ways to get skinny, or that's the way it seems when we have a look at the internet, TV, magazines and any other expression of the media. Wherever you turn on the internet for instance you will see an ad that promises you you'll be skinny as a stick in no time, by way of surgery, diet pills, exercise, shakes, fiber pills, only consuming 10 calories a day (I'm exaggerating of course) and what not.

Who wants to hear more vain bla bla? When you look behind the facade, who do you think the authors and inventors of all these get-slim-instantly-without-any-effort methods really care about? Well first and foremost their bank accounts. So what if you get sick in the process of using their latest fad in weight loss? As long as you lost some weight quickly and visibly, though it may to last til next Sunday.

Are you even aware of the things that you fill your body up on in order to rid yourself of some pounds? There are all natural herbal teas for weight loss (sounds rather healthy, right?) that can give you major heart problems and I know people that ended up in the hospital for drinking such stuff. History has it that some people actually got hold of tape worm larvae to infest themselves to loose weight. Now there's an idea: you get slimmer and extremely malnourished, not even mentioning the gross!!! factor. Many products use chemicals and artificial ingredients to replace the real thing that could make you fat (if consumed in too high doses). Ever check out the list of ingredients on some diet foods? I don't understand half of what's listed there. Are you sure such things are better for you than measured amounts of real food?

That a weight loss of several pounds in a couple of days will consist mostly of water isn't something they'll mention to you. That reduced inches from your waist line within days of starting a program has to do with a thorough emptying of your bowels, you also won't hear about.

One pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories. In order to lose some pounds you have two choices: or you eat fewer calories than your body uses on a daily basis (500 less a day to rid yourself of a pound a week to be exact) or you burn it off exercising. One hour on the elliptical machine evaporates around 600 calories; an hour of swimming will do pretty much the same. So adding up the numbers you'll figure out quickly that 10,000 calories don't just disappear in a couple of days.

Truth is, when the product or method tells you you're going to lose three pounds in the first two days, they are telling you a bed-time story (sounds as good as one too). Your scale might actually cooperate with them and also tell you, you lost weight, at least for the first week or so, but really what kinds of pounds were those you lost? I can assure you it wasn't body fat. Fast loss of weight in very few days usually means you lost water and bowel contents.

So, we've figured out what doesn't work. Great! Now, what actually does help me to slim down? If you were looking for an easy no-effort way to get it done, I will disappoint you. Real and long-term weight loss, the kind you will be able to maintain, comes with a change in your eating habits and activity levels. Sure, to use a good and healthy program of nutrient combination (using real food) to give you the necessary impulse is a good idea, but to make it last you will have to decide what kinds of food to eat and how much of it you need to keep and maintain a healthy body.

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