Uses of Wrist Braces In CTS?

By Tom Nicholson

For those dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome, completing everyday tasks or simple duties can be painful or bothersome. With tingling sensations, numbness or even shooting pains in the wrist and hands up to the arm, you may not want to complete certain jobs due to the impending pain that it can cause you afterwards. Losing strength in your hands can be a major problem for those who rely on their hands to work with each day and may have an impact on their employability. In today's declining economy and economic downfall, you do not want something to stand in the way of you retaining work full time.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated in many different ways, depending on the progression of your case. Anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers, hot and cold compresses, exercises, stretches and even wrist braces may be used to provide relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and to promote the healing process.

The best way to proceed is to consult with your doctor and ask for his or her advice on how your case of carpal tunnel syndrome can best be treated.

Many carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers find wrist braces to be effective in treating their symptoms. Wrist braces are usually worn while you're sleeping and they are designed to keep the wrists immobilized so that no stress can be placed on them as you sleep; you should also keep your wrists elevated and relaxed as you sleep. Wearing a wrist brace while sleeping is all many carpal tunnel sufferers need to get relief from their symptoms, but some find that they need to wear them during the day while working as well. Wearing your wrist braces while you work prevents strain to the wrists from overdoing it and from repetitive motion causing pressure on the median nerve. You can find braces which are flexible enough to wear while working and others which are made to totally immobilize the wrist as you sleep.

There is an assortment of materials that wrist braces are made from and your own personal preferences will help you choose which brace is right for you. Cotton/polyester blend, neoprene or even specialized materials to hold heat for the healing process are just some of the options in the market today. When searching for a wrist brace for carpal tunnel syndrome, be sure to choose the correct type as many are made for just the left or right hand and cannot be used on both. You will notice that having individualized wrist braces give you a better fit and help with the healing process more effectively. No matter when you wear your brace or which type you choose, be sure to follow your doctor's treatment plan. Perform any stretching or muscle exercises necessary for strength gains and you will surely notice a difference in no time at all.

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