Memory Foam Mattresses Can Help Your Back

By Kim Johnson

If you suffer from chronic back pain, then you know already know how difficult -- or downright impossible -- it is to get a good night's sleep. That's because ordinary mattresses and box springs don't provide evenly distributed support for your body. As a result, you spend most of the night tossing and turning rather than sleeping soundly, and you're likely to wake up feeling more exhausted and in even greater pain than when you went to bed in the first place. But there's no reason for you to continue on in this manner. Tens of thousands of people just like you have found relief to similar problems by replacing their old bedding with a memory foam mattress.

The material used in memory foam mattresses was first invented by NASA, and is sensitive to pressure and temperature. That allows it to conform to the natural contours of your body, providing extra support where you need it and when you need it. Memory foam mattresses allow you to enjoy a deep, pleasant sleep that'll help your body rest, relax, and heal from a long day.

Of course, every technology has its downsides, and so does memory foam. In this case, it's the expense. Did you know you could pay more than a thousand dollars for a name brand memory foam bedding set? That's a lot more money than most of us have available to spend. The good news is that there are plenty of retail outlets offering these products at much lower prices. Just make sure you're getting a memory foam mattress that's good quality - they're not all the same.

Probably the most important characteristic of a memory foam mattress is density. The denser the foam is, the better it's going to respond to temperature and pressure - higher density mattresses are just made from better material, with the most expensive mattresses on the market coming in at over five pounds. Discount memory foam mattresses may be rated as little as three pounds, and you'll notice the difference. Look for mattresses that have a four pound or greater density.

In addition to density, you should try to read up on any of the specific brands you are considering purchasing. A few brands are notorious for lack of durability. The last thing you want to do is spend several hundred dollars on a memory foam mattress that won't even give you two years of service before losing its unique pressure-relieving capabilities.

Finally, many reputable stores offer a long-term money-back guarantee for any memory foam mattress that they sell. The specifics of the guarantee will of course vary from retailer to retailer, but most places will allow you to try out your new memory foam mattress for anywhere from one month to one year, after which time you can return your purchase for a full refund. The benefits of buying from a retailer with this kind of policy are obvious, so it's definitely something to look for when you're shopping.

There's no reason to keep dealing with sleepless nights full of tossing and turning, and bad sleep. Don't let your back keep you up. Instead, try purchasing a memory foam mattress - it could be just the thing you've been looking for.

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