By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There are tons of arm workouts for women out there. And if you want maximum arm toning, you have to directly work your arms with weights.

The main issue here, however, is that many women are simply not having the quality workouts that are requisite for arm toning. You have to push yourself.

Now I understand that pushing yourself hard in the gym is no walk in the park. In fact, there will be times when doing an arm workout is the last thing on your mind. Nevertheless, consistently pushing yourself is the only way to get the arms of your dreams.

So here's how to improve any arm workout for women:

1. Don't socialize. This would seem like common sense, yet I constantly see women socializing instead of sweating. The occasional nod and hello are fine. But don't spend half of your workout talking! You'll sacrifice post-workout hormonal output and exercise post oxygen consumption.

2. Use clothes that breathe well. Unfortunately, lots of "exercise" clothes make you overheat very quickly. Especially when you are working out hard. And overheating will translate into less work capacity. Staying cool allows you to go much harder when doing your arm workout.

3. Listen to customized music. Please bring your own ipod to the show, don't rely on the gym to play the best music for putting you in the zone. More often than not, you will not like the music. Moreover, research has shown that listening to your own music leads to better workouts.

4. Have a set schedule. Getting into the groove is the key to not missing any arm workouts. It will also help you get into the zone more frequently. Always schedule your next workout, and try not to deviate.

5. Get a partner, only if you need one. Having a partner can be a blessing or a curse. Make sure your partner is equally dedicated as you are. Also, only workout with a partner if you feel the need for one. If you are better off alone, then do your arm workouts alone.

The best way to make your arm workouts groundbreaking is to keep them short and hard. It's not about how long you are in the gym, but how hard you go during your workout. Intensity will help you burn off the arm fat faster than ever before!

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