By Ben Pate

Everyone knows that Calcium is an important part of overall bodily health. However, what many people don't know is that not all forms of Calcium are the same. Your body deserves the very best and most healthy forms of Vitamin Code RAW Calcium Vitamins and nutrients. You can't afford to pollute your body with inadequate or substandard sources of nutrients.

What many don't know is where their calcium comes from. The majority of calcium supplements are taken from rock and mineral sources found in nature but that are not necessarily easy for the body to utilize. Vitamin Code Calcium is built from plant sources that are extremely easy for the body to put to use. These natural sources of supplement are much easier for the body to readily absorb and draw from than the common mineral means. 
Not only are the plant based supplements easier for the body to absorb and put to use but because they're derived from algae sources they contain additional trace elements that combine with calcium to help the body absorb the calcium into the bones and utilize it better and faster.

Additionally, the naturally occurring minerals and trace elements found in algae such as magnesium and silica that are directly linked to bone health and growth. These trace elements are the foundation of well-rounded and healthy bones that grow strong and sturdy for years.

Of course a supplement is useless if the body can't put it to use. To ensure you get the absolute most from your supplements, Garden of Life RAW Calcium is formulated with Vitamin D to increase the overall absorption rate of the vitamins and minerals contained within the supplement by up to 80%. Now that's making the most of your daily vitamin.

With each passing year the use of pesticides increases wildly as a way to produce more food for a growing world. The painful fact is that as the decades go by the food we grow is becoming increasingly less nutritious for us. A comparison drawn of food nutrition between the'60's and 70's to the present day shows that overall food nutrition has been reduced by almost 25 to 50 percent in just those few decades.

Making the problem worse is the method in which we package our produce. For convenience and safety we put our food though elaborate chemical treatments including irradiation, chemical preservation, and heating. While these processes may increase the general safety of our food they greatly and further hurt the nutritional quality and healthy benefits of the food. By the time the food actually reaches the consumer it has undergone so many changes that the nutrition of the product is a percentage of what it was once!

To ensure that you get the most out of your food you need to be sure that the food you eat is able to provide the nutrition your body requires. The RAW system gives you food that is natural and hasn't been corrupted or tampered with. By eating these kinds of natural foods your body is getting the nutrition and benefits of the foods you in eat in the healthy and beneficial way that nature had always intended. Most people don't even know that by simply heating the foods they eat they are ruining much of the vitamins and minerals the food would otherwise provide.


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