The Latest Diet Craze: The Weigh Down Diet

By Jo Northwood

The Weigh Down Diet has been a massive hit in the United States and now it is making its way to the shores of the United Kingdom. Its principles are quite simple, 'Stop following food and follow Jesus instead.'

You may be asking yourself how on earth Jesus can make you thin, but on deeper inspection, I realized that the diet is centralized around getting to the root of the problem. Maybe this diet can succeed where all else have failed if this is the case.

Comfort eating has been a problem for years and years and could possible be the main reason why many overweight people just can not lose any fat. They try and try with any diet they come across, but end up in a more depressive hole than when they started when they do not see any quick fix results. Then the eating will start and the cycle starts again.

Why people start comfort eating in the first place is from any number of things. As dramatic as a lose of a loved one, to as little as a bad hair day. Everyone has one of those moments, using food to try to cure the depression is just wrong though as it is only temporary.

What if you asked yourself questions why you do overeat, how you have got to the point where food is the substance controlling your existence. Even people who are slim can relate to times where food has played a big role in their lives.

Wouldn't it be better if we could tackle the source of the issue rather than just trying to cure it? Feel fulfilled in yourself will stop you overeating to fulfill your void. Replacing the need in your heat with love and happiness.

The Weigh Down Diet has been very successful. As participates are given the strength to resist food through the love they have elsewhere in their life.

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