By Pete Holmes

If you really want to improve your vertical leaping abilities then it will certainly pay for you to look for and use some of the better and tested techniques that have already helped many athletes succeed in making higher and also better vertical jumps. The only problem is that these techniques cannot and will not provide immediate results and so it would be foolish to expect that no sooner have you started making use of the different techniques that you will become a better vertical jumper.

There are many vertical jump training programs that you can pick and choose from in order to find the best solution that will ensure that you can improve vertical leaps. The better programs are those that can help you build on flexibility and strength as well as on power and which will also improve the core strength of your body. Without improving on these four factors you will not be able to reach your true vertical leaping potential.

If you play basketball then you will already have found out that being explosive is one of the key factors that will help you excel at this sport. A sportsman that can leap higher and who is quicker than the competition has a better chance of excelling at their sport and they will certainly enjoy a huge advantage when they take their starting position on the court.

However, before using pylometrics to help you improve vertical jumping abilities you must first start by benchmarking your vertical leaps. In this way you will have a starting point with which to measure how much progress you have achieved after having performed various pylometrics exercises. It therefore makes sense to maintain a diary entry for different periods of training so that you know where you are and also how far you have come in regard to how much improvement you have been able to achieve from the time you first began to try and improve your vertical leaps.

To measure your progress through making use of pylometrics you will first need to stand and perform a standing jump and then you must mark the height achieved. And, it is also necessary for you to also measure your height in the normal standing position. The difference between the heights measured while standing and after making a leap will show you what your vertical jump height is. This measurement can then be used as your starting point.

Next, you will need to do a few recommended pylometrics exercises including those such as bench jumps, step-ups, box hops, rims taps or backboard taps, ball dunks, run hills, skipping, hurdle jumps, sprints and finally suicides.

There are several important pylometrics exercises that when performed will help you improve vertical jumps. These exercises include sprints, hurdle jumps, rim taps/backboard taps, box hops and step-ups as well as bench jumps. Once you have started using these and other pylometrics exercises you will in a space of a couple of months at most start noticing significant improvements in your jumping abilities.

Finally, to improve vertically you must also strengthen your core that of course consists of your abs and lower back as well as the hip flexors. All of these are vitally important to leaping higher and so you will have to improve the strength in this core in order to jump higher and quicker.

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