By Peter Bertonach

It is now known that there are a wide range of health benefits from Omega 3 essential fatty acids. The 2 most important Omega 3 essential fatty acids are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and these are found in fish oil. Allergies as well, it now seems, are one of the conditions that may benefit from increasing your intake of the essential fatty acids called omega 3 fats found in fish oil.

Allergies, in many cases, are an inflammatory condition and it is well known that the essential fats known as Omega 3 fatty acids are excellent anti-inflammatories. Asthma and hayfever are fine examples. Asthma for example, manifests itself in a restriction of the airway which is an inflammatory problem. Therefore it would seem that anything that help reduce inflammation would be of benefit.

It would now seem from studies that there is a fish oil allergies link. Using fish oil for allergies, it would seem, can have some beneficial effects.

Which allergies are most benefited by an increased intake of omega 3 fats is still primarily unknown and much work needs to be done. However there is preliminary evidence that hayfever and asthma as well as possibly some food allergies may well be reduced in intensity by increasing the intake of Omega3 fats.

It's way too early to say that if you suffer from allergies you can cure those allergies by taking Omega 3 supplements. In fact the reality is that this is unlikely. Most allergies can be diagnosed and treated and these diagnoses and treatments should be pursued as you would normally do. However there is now evidence that increasing the intake of Omega 3 essential fatty acids for allergies can be a beneficial part of an overall allergies strategy.

Food allergies can even be caused by fish and so if you have food allergies it is extremely important establish the cause before undertaking fish oil supplementation.

Apart from allergies there is very clear evidence of the health benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids. These health benefits extend to some conditions which can be potentially fatal such as stroke and heart attack and for this reason the American Heart Association tells us all to increase our weekly intake of essential Omega 3 fats found in fish oil. The most cost effective way to do this is daily dietary supplementation with omega 3 supplements.

It's important that more studies be undertaken to establish the link between fish oil and allergies however it is very clear that using fish oil to health generally is extremely beneficial. If it proves in the future that there is an omega 3 allergies link them this is one more health benefits from Omega 3 essential fatty acid supplementation.

If you have allergies you may well benefit from daily fish oil supplementation as part of an overall allergy strategy. Regardless of this there are powerful health reasons to add daily fish oil capsules to your diet.

Sales of Omega 3 capsules have risen faster than any other form of dietary supplements in history. There is excellent reasons for this. When mainstream organisations such as the American Heart Association tell us to increase our intake of Omega3 fats then we sit up and take notice. Many of us are now supplementing our diets with fish oil capsules every day. This is good given that studies show that over 90 percent of Americans are deficient in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Allergies may be just one of the many health conditions that respond positively to daily fish oil supplementation. Whether or not your allergies respond positively or not there is clear evidence that a wide range of other health reasons you should be taking fish oil supplements.

Not all Omega 3 supplements are the same however and on my website I discuss how to compare the different Omega 3 capsules to discover the best value.

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