Adding DHA EPA Fish Oil To Your Diet

By Ingrid Gillette-Palmer

We are just beginning to realize all of the many benefits of adding DHA EPA fish oil to our diets. These omega-3 fatty acids can be found naturally in mackerel, tuna, salmon, and anchovies. Many people do not receive the recommended amount in their diets so they turn to supplemental form.

Fish oil is used to treat many different ailments and has proven to be an invaluable supplement. It can help with inflammatory conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Crohn's Disease. EPA and DHA have natural anti-inflammatory properties and have been a very successful treatment option. They tend to balance fatty acids and lower inflammatory strain.

Scientists have been closely monitoring the effects that this supplement has on those with cancer. It has been shown to boost the immune system which aids in fighting and preventing cancer. Studies have shown that DHA and EPA have prevented some types of cancer in animals. This is promising news and will be studied even closer on humans.

It has also been shown to help keep heart rhythm regulated. This is great news for those with irregular heartbeats and arrhythmias. DHA and EPA also can keep your blood from clotting too quickly. As you can see, the benefits of fish oil are quite varied and are pretty remarkable.

As with any type of supplement or medication, there can be certain side effects involved. Fish oil has been know to elevate the blood sugar levels and is not recommended for diabetics. It can also raise cholesterol levels. It is always a good idea to consult your physician for more information on this topic.

There are many positive reasons to include these omega-3 acids into your diet. It is always better to find natural treatments that actually work. It is better for our bodies to regulate naturally and fish oil can help our bodies accomplish this naturally. It will be very interesting to other benefits that this product can offer.

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