Best Moisturizer For Dry Itchy Skin Rash

By Linda Robison

Homemade dry skin recipes are all the rage now a day as people are going green and tired of using toxic chemicals on our skin. Many inexpensive, drug-store type moisturizers are loaded with additives, preservatives, and mineral oil which can upset the delicate pH balance of your skin. Normally, healthy skin should have a pH between 4.2 and 6.5. Anything higher or lower than this can upset your skin barrier which protects the skin from environmental elements like bacteria, wind, dehydration, etc. And skin diseases like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

Why do we need a moisturizer? Well, in addition to keeping the skin hydrated, a good moisturizer can prevent dry skin conditions from getting worse and turning into psoriasis or an infected dry itchy skin rash. If you have itchy dry skin or rash problems, it's important to start taking care of your skin right away and begin using a good quality moisturizer before matters get worse.

So what are one of the best home remedies for dry skin? Try a weekly egg yolk and honey mask. This mask feels incredible and skin will be so soft after you rinse. Here is how you make it:

- mix 2 egg yolks then slowly add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well.
- apply this mixture all over the face and neck and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
- lie down and rest for a while until it dries.
- rinse well and apply a good facial moisturizer for dry skin.

Other great homemade dry skin recipes include applying olive oil all over your face and neck right after washing it or taking a shower. It's best to do this at night because it's a little messy.

For daytime use, I prefer to use a botanical water-proof moisturizer because it provides hours of continuous hydration and prevents my skin from flaking and peeling. For best results your daytime moisturizer should have an effective delivery system using lyphazome technology . Research shows this type of moisturizer can penetrate the skin much more deeply so you really get the best results.

Lyphazomes technology is not new, and has been used medical/pharmaceutical grade moisturizers for years, especially for burn victims because they are so effective at delivering moisture deep into the skin. Lyphazomes contain very small nanospheres - about 1/50th the size of human skin cells, so they can penetrate better. In addition, since these nanospheres are concentrated so they can deliver up to 80% of the bioactive ingredients - which is why this type of moisturizer works so well.

Does your current moisturizer do this? If not, Click Here To read about new state-of-the-art moisturizer that has been used in hospitals for burn victims for over 20 years. It not only moisturizers, but heals and nourishes the skin too.

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David hogard said...

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