By Brad Fargo

Long distance relationships are a really hard thing to live through. If you've found someone special who lives in a different city, or have a significant other moving to another city, the idea of a long distance relationship is probably one that causes stress and unsettling feelings.

This is a tough thing to endure, and whether your relationship can last through this testing period or not might depend on one of various factors. Here are a few suggestions I'm going to make that might make your long distance relationship built to last.

Everything I say here will be really important, so it's crucial that you take it seriously. I've been in long distance relationships myself, and they can be great - but I've also made plenty of mistakes, and I don't want you to experience the same ones that I did.

The first thing that's necessary is that you see each other as often as you can. I know it's hard since you're far away from each other, but the longer you go without seeing each other the harder things will get.

I don't know how practical it'll be for you to see each other, but the key is that you make it happen as much as you're able to. The longer you're away from each other, the more you'll both start wondering whether it's worth seeing other people.

The next advice is to never show jealousy. Be trusting of your companion, as part of making a long distance work is trusting one another. Jealousy often leads to tensions, fights, and questioning as to whether it's worth the difficulty of a long distance relationship.

It'll sometimes be hard to know that your loved one is in another city and might be around other singles, but this is something that comes with the territory.

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