How To Achieve The Perfect Fake Tan?

By James P Taylor

People are gradually becoming aware of the harmful effects of the UV rays on skin, and as a result, the demand of fake tans is also increasing day by day. Majority of the people wish to have a healthy skin with a darker tone complexion. The most suitable way to have the best complexion is by applying fake tan.

Fake tan can be achieved through two basic techniques. The very first way to achieve fake tan is by using tanning beds at the beauty salons, while the other way is to apply creams and lotions on skin. However, tanning beds is not a healthier way to get fake tan. It is made by using the artificial resources and thus, cannot replace the effect of sun. On the other hand, a fake tanning lotion is a far better option to get a fake tan. This way of achieving fake tan reduces the risks of skin cancer as well as premature ageing to a greater extent.

There is a huge variety of tans in the market, nowadays. The availability of such a great number of products has made it a bit confusing to choose the best product. If you want to stay away from bogus products, you have to spend a little more money for getting the branded fake tan. Do not compromise on the quality. So, it is better to spend more money rather than spending little for no good.

If you want to look natural as well as attractive then be sensible in selecting the colour tone of your tan. Do not go for too odd colours. Choose a fake tan shade which is more close to your skin colour. There is a great deal of products available in the market these days, which allow you to acquire fake tan, when applied for a few times. So, if you prefer to have a darker complexion then you may choose the darker shade.

Fake tan appears perfect on your skin, if applied on properly moisturized skin. It blends smoothly on moisturized skin; otherwise, it gives the impact of unlevelled skin. You will get far better results if you exfoliate your skin with a good quality scrub prior to applying fake tan. After that, you should apply a branded moisturizer.

You must ensure applying fake tan for quite a few second on your skin so that it may get properly absorbed. If you are having a spray-on type, use it on the first and then on the other side. It is a bit difficult to apply it on body parts like your back, so you can take help of someone else in this regard.

There are fake tans which take some hours to show their proper colour. Moreover, experts recommend it to be applied at bedtime so that better results can be achieved when you wake up. You should not touch water after applying it.

To make your tan last longer, moisturise every day, but avoid use of lotions with alpha hydroxyl acids as they are exfoliating in nature, and may cause your tan to fade out faster. If you follow these steps, it is easy to attain a natural looking tan.

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