Is MonaVie A Potential Arthritis Remedy?

By Markis Grisham

MonaVie is made up of the critical elements in many fruits and berries, and is a very tasty drink. The most important nutrient, the acai berry, comes from the Brazilian Rainforest, and is known as one of the most powerful foods nature has to offer. Along with the acai berry, there is an additional 18 berries and fruits that comprise the MonaVie, and many are questioning if it can be used as an arthritis remedy.

The potential arthritis remedy, called Mona Vie Active, delivers very critical anti-oxidants and phytonutrients which are powerful fighters of free radicals and are essential to the overall health of the body. Since free radicals cause many different problems with the joints in the body, a solution to eliminate those nasty critters from multiplying is wonderful.

Antioxidants and phytonutrients are responsible for the neutralization of free radicals. By reducing the amount of free radicals in the system, our body's joints are much more flexible. The better mobility attained by the joints can most likely be attributed to the glucosamine in the product. Glucosamine produces glycoproteins which are essential to the proper health of joint cartilage and the accompanying connective tissue.

Most arthritis sufferers have difficulty with their range of motion. Significant rewards can occur in that range of motion, because the ingredients in the Active formula effectively "lubricate" the joints, allowing for better movement. It's very obvious that when you give the body what it needs nutritionally, the better it will perform.

There has been significant research done regarding this arthritis remedy, and what it can do for you. The science behind it relates to the tremendous ability of the super fruits to solve the free radical problem. The acai berry is the kingpin of these fruits. It contains a powerful family of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which taken in the drinks' concentrated form, dramatically neutralizes dangerous free radicals and what they can do to your body. Drinking 2-4 ounces of the product enables you to get those antioxidants and phytonutrients that are in our most nutritious fruits.

The essential nutrients of the super fruits are kept intact by a unique and exclusive freeze drying process. Through this freeze drying process, the acai powder produced maintains an ORAC score (the power of antioxidant measurement) that is beyond any other vegetable or fruit powder tested on a gram for gram scenario.

A few more interesting facts have been associated with the arthritis remedy. The first one indicates that regular consumers of the product have shown an increase in vitality and healthier joints. Secondly, a 12 week study indicated that every one who took part showed a large increase in the knee and lumbar region as far as range of motion goes. These same participants realized a significant decrease in their overall discomfort in general.

The probable MonaVie Active arthritis remedy is responsible for many benefits. We've already shown that the huge delivery of antioxidants from the acai and the other super fruits allows the body to perform much closer to its peak. This healthier lifestyle can be attributed to the major reduction in the free radical damage to the cells. Since the free radical reduction occurs, the aging process slows down due to the body receiving the right nutrition.

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Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the useful information.

Mona vie contains strong antioxidants and phytonutrients to help fight free radicals and maintain body's overall health. It also contains the additional benefits of Gluscosamine and Esterified fatty acids to help relieve joint/muscle pain and inflammation.

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