3 Reasons To Treat Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms Naturally


By Anne Torres

After living through the terrible distress of anxiety panic attack symptoms, sufferers can find themselves frantic to find a way to prevent further attacks in the future. Luckily there are many different options obtainable but unfortunately making the selection is not so straightforward.

There is a conflict of opinion when considering which anxiety panic attack treatment method is more helpful: prescription drugs or a natural cure for panic attacks. At one end of the scale there are people who have no faith at all in prescribed drugs, whilst at the other there are those who believe wholeheartedly in modern medicine. The people left in the grey area between the two often go for a combination of natural remedies and Doctors' prescriptions.

Many victims will only consider one single approach and would not dream of trying any other. Although I do not wish to rock the boat, it is my belief that natural remedies are far more preferable to medication, mainly due to the possibility of side effects (always on the cards when taking any drugs) and the success stories of natural remedies when overcoming anxiety panic attack symptoms. Whilst prescription drugs do have some positive results they tend to fall short of the accomplishments of natural cures for panic attacks.

There are a number of benefits associated with natural remedies when tackling anxiety. The following 3 are the most important to my mind.

1. Medication falls short.

Of course you are aware of the symptoms; trouble breathing, heart palpitations, sweating, vertigo, shaking, a dream-like state, the fear of insanity and even of death; and there are many more. Sufferers often turn to prescription drugs as they can greatly decrease the occurrence of anxiety panic attacks, reducing the horrific impact of these related symptoms, making us feel more confident and relaxed.

The people on medication can be so pleased that their attacks do not occur as often that they can fail to recognize that they still occur at all. The effectiveness of medication is due to it providing a short-term aid and some temporary breathing space between anxiety attacks, but it is not a long-term cure because of it working on a superficial level. It will only obscure the anxiety panic attack symptoms and not treat the cause of the problem.

2. You can help yourself.

One advantage of natural method treatments is that you are not completely helpless when you suffer a panic attack. Taking medication does reduce the frequency of attacks, but there will be occasions when you will experience a severe attack. What happens then? Do you just hope and pray you will survive it?

If you choose natural cures for panic attacks you will be in a better position to cope. Medications reduce the number of attacks, but natural coping techniques diminish the terrible distress of experiencing them by ensuring you are equipped with the necessary tools needed to fight them. Over time, these attacks will lose their severity and ultimately, in many cases, cease altogether.

3. Long lasting results

Another difficulty of prescription drugs is the positive effects last only as long as you continue to take the course. When your course expires you are 'back to square one'. Whereas natural cures for panic attacks put you on the road to recuperation and have a good chance of permanently preventing these attacks completely. They can also provide you with the means to defend yourself against the attacks for life.

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