Health Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil


By Trish Williamson

For the newbie Eucalyptus oil is used in Natural Skin Care Products for its ability to reduce redness and irritation of the skin. Eucalyptus Oil is also known throughout the world for its use as a decongestant in colds and influenza. Eucalyptus oil is reputed to aid in wound healing and is antiseptic and anti-parasitic.

Eucalyptus essential oil is extracted from Eucalyptus globulus of the Myrtaceae family and is also known as Tasmanian blue gum or blue gum. Eucalyptus oil is double distilled from Australian gum trees and has many beneficial uses. The much taller single-trunk eucalypts such as Sugar Gum, Blue Gum, Cup Gum, Swamp Gum and River Red Gum generally grow along rivers and creek banks.

The wide ranging health benefits of eucalyptus oil can be attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal properties. Eucalyptus oil is an effect analgesic and is often used in preparations designed to relieve muscle, nerve and joint pains. It helps relieve tension and stress, with a relaxing effect on the nervous system and is said to reduce the pain associated with rheumatism and gout.

Eucalyptus' ozone-producing aroma brings welcome relief to symptoms of head colds. It blends extremely well with other oils making it the backbone of several important blends. Special Features of Eucalyptus oil relieve the symptoms of colds and flu. Eucalyptus oil can be massaged into the chest, back and throat to produce temporary relief for bronchial cough, congested headaches and sinusitis. For relief of symptoms of cold sores, dilute and apply topically using DIRECT APPLICATION. Our bottles come with a roller so this makes it easy! Medicinal eucalyptus oil is widely used for the relief of cold and influenza symptoms.

Eucalyptus oil also helps relieve muscular and arthritic pain. During muscle and joint pains, massaging eucalyptus oil on the skin surface helps in getting relief from the pain. Australian Eucalyptus oil, EU-CAL sooths and penetrates the skin to bring quick relief to arthritic and rheumatic sufferers. It is important to purchase high quality oils for health benefits and pain relief.

And theres more! Around the house it removes stubborn stains and grease marks Eucalyptus oil is a natural, cleaner and freshener. Excellent in laundry wash with the pure, fresh fragrance of the Australian bush. It is an excellent rub for muscular aches and pains and it has been widely used for many years by athletes to help keep muscles in shape.

Eucalyptus Oil is one of Australias first native exports and a rich and fascinating part of our national history. Eucalyptus oil is an excellent decongestant for flu and colds, and aids the respiratory system. Eucalyptus Oil is a traditional Aboriginal remedy used primarily as an antiseptic to relieve coughs, colds ,sore throats and other upper respiratory symptoms.

Eucalyptus oil is also great for the use in a sickbed environment. This amazing oil has so many wonderful properties. We use it in our famous Breathe Easy essential oil blend. Buy a bottle or three for when winter sets in so you can use this high quality blend to assist in a quick recovery. - 27772

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