Roger Federers Tennis Workouts


Being the worlds top tennis player today, makes many people wonder what Roger Federer does to keep himself fit. He definitely did not sleep like a dog and eat like a pig on his way to greatness. It is definitely not just balls and racket all day long. Tennis may be his career but it would do him harm if he does not allot a few hours for toning his physique. He has to spend time for fitness training and take the proper diet.

Some would say that he is only twenty-seven and his body is at the prime of its health and fitness. However, Roger Federer is not taking chances at all. He is much disciplined when it comes to regular exercises and nutrition. He can even be strict in taking the necessary rest. A 10-hour long night sleep is his average, certainly a long one for others but not for his usually exhausted body.

Federer does not take vacations when it comes to workouts. With his trainer Pierre Paganini, he uses up more than 10 hours of fitness training every week during off-seasons or months with no major tournaments. A total workout time of 100 hours per season is not strange for the pair. Federer thinks of this as just a requirement to keep himself tournament-ready. Still, if he has enough time, he wishes to increase it.

Strengthening his muscles is an important aspect of Federers fitness training. This requires the tennis star to lift weights and dumb bells regularly. This also makes any racket he holds light, intensifying his world famous power backhands. To keep increase his endurance and leg strength, he does the skipping ropes almost as boxers do. Always concerned about stretching his ability to the limits, he also does lateral lunges with twist. While doing, he develops his upper body muscles by using barbell with manageable weights.

The tennis champion would never leave behind his medicine ball when he goes out for a workout. It has served him well in boosting his agility and upper body muscles. With a partner, often Paganini, he would run sideways across the court while tossing the medicine ball to Paganini in order to enhance hand and body coordination. He would shuffle his feet passing and getting the ball from Paganini so he can increase his agility at the same time.

Federer eats to complement and supplement his tedious and long workouts. His tired body would naturally require him to eat the right food. Unlike others, he rarely takes in dietary supplements though. He usually takes in food that will not compromise his gains in the workouts. When he is away for the big games or for doing functions, he leashes his cravings. However, when he is in home with the family in Basel, Switzerland, he allows himself to enjoy the food. You can have great knowledge about beachbody coach from the tennis guy.


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