By Crystal Adeyemi

An ovarian cyst is a sac containing fluid or semi-solid materials that develop in or on the ovary. These cysts are very common in women in their reproductive years but tend to resolve naturally without any medical intervention.

Sometimes though, some cysts do not resolve naturally as they ought to and instead continue to grow and eventually get to a stage where they begin to cause the woman unbearable pain.

Ovarian cysts, especially functional ovarian cysts (not the ones related to polycystic ovary syndrome) don't in themselves affect you fertility. What makes you infertile is the treatment your doctor is likely to prescribe for you.

The conventional treatment for ovarian cysts is the use of prescription oestrogen and progestin birth control pills, which stop the woman from ovulating. The thinking is that if the woman does not ovulate then she is unlikely to develop functional cysts.

Ovarian Cysts and Fertility

If you say yes and accept the conventional treatment of using birth control pills as a form of treatment for your ovarian cysts then you are more or less making yourself infertile because if you dont ovulate, there is no way you could ever become pregnant.

The other way contraceptive pills work is by thickening the woman's cervical mucus and making it sticky to the extent that the sperm is unable to survive for long enough to fertilise her egg.

In a nutshell, the conventional treatment for ovarian cysts makes you infertile.

You have to understand that lack of oestrogen is not the reason why you have ovarian cysts in the first place; in fact, taking oestrogen causes your ovarian cyst to grow larger and faster and become even more painful.

Apart from that, using the pill has so many other side effects including:

1. Thinning the lining of the uterus making it unable to support a pregnancy.

2. Raising copper levels in the body. Excess copper can be toxic and has been associated with pre-eclampsia and postnatal depression.

3. Affecting a woman's menstrual cycle so much that it can be months sometimes months ot even years before a menstrual cycle is resumed. In some cases, it never returns.

4. A higher occurrence of ectopic pregnancy in women who use the pill as compared to those who dont'.

5. Mineral and vitamin imbalances in the body

6. Lowered resistance to infections including genito-urinary and fungal infections.

There are so many more negative side effects of using the pill that it is almost impossible to talk about all of them here.

What you need to remember is that ovarian cysts occur very often in many women in their reproductive years but tend to resolve naturally. If they don't then you need to look at alternative methods of treatments and avoid the use of contraceptive pills at all costs.

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