The Side Effects of Homeopathic HCG


By Amelia Handley

With all the recent FDA warnings against a lot of the popular over the counter weight loss pills it's not surprising that many dieters are wary of just what side effects come with the intake of any new method regardless of how effective it is. So the myriad questions that come regarding the much lauded homeopathic HCG diet and its side effects are to be expected no matter how redundant the answers are.

But the answers are always the same. Homeopathic HCG is safe. Homeopathic HCG has no side effects. YOUR situation isn't going to make you an exception to those statements. You might be tall or you might be short. You might be male or female. You might be young or you might be old. It just doesn't matter.

Homeopathic HCG is just safe; regardless of the specifics you attach to your situation. There are no side effects. That is there are no negative side effects...there are the positive side effects to discuss.

Betty M., a homeopathic HCG diet direct user that completed her program in May of 2009, suggested, "it helped me acquire a much healthier lifestyle. I'm no longer starving and binging. I know how to choose healthy foods out of a group of options. I am able to abstain from food when I've had enough. I recognize the many, many different items that are surplus wasted calories that I don't care about and that don't do my body any good whatsoever."

Other homeopathic HCG users are excited about the recent announcement that studies in their early stages indicate that homeopathic HCG could be an effective preventive for breast cancer. With breast cancer numbers constantly's a relief to see anything crop up that may help fight the disease.

The overall consensus among those who have experienced the diet is that it is revolutionary. It's one thing to lose's quite another to keep it off and it's beyond exciting to find that you're able to enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle without a day to day struggle to maintain your dedication. So if homeopathic HCG has side effects that may effect your decision...just know that they're all positive and your decision will be to go ahead and take advantage of the positives that it provides. - 27772

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