Incredible Subconscious Mind Power


By Graham J Milne

We all remember the movie Fields of Dreams, with the 'If you build it they will come' Consider your subconscious mind as your field of dreams where if you THINK it, it will come. Asking yourself 'what will come?' The answer is, whatever you want to come.

Your subconscious mind holds the power to make you the person you want to be, create the life you want, and change things as they are to the way you want them to be; all from your subconscious mind. The mind is truly powerful and beautiful. With our subconscious minds, we can heal, transcend, feel good; or feel bad. Each of us has the power to change our worlds through the power of our subconscious minds, if we only choose to take control of them.

If you're skeptical, you're not alone. However, give me a chance to show you with a few examples just how powerful your mind is. One of my favorite examples is actually from the medical field, and works on a scientific basis. It's been documented time and time again, actually, and it's called the "placebo effect." The medical field has coined the term "placebo effect" to denote a specific type of effect. Oftentimes, for example, this term is used during medical trials. The control group is given a "placebo," which is an inert substance that has no medical benefit whatsoever as a drug might give. It's used as a counterpoint to the other group, which gets the actual medication. This is to clearly prove any benefit (or detriment) the drug itself might give. However, both groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do for them, and neither group knows which pill they've gotten; placebo or actual medication.

In absolutely each and every study the control group will provide similar results to the study group. Perhaps not in the same intensity, but you will have people that show improvements or exhibit changes or side effects that the medication can cause. Why is that? It is because they were told what the pill would do, they believed that they were being given the real pill and that they were either going to get better or get the side effects.

Think about this in your own situation. Perhaps you haven't been involved in any medical trials, but when you go to the doctor, are you told a specific medication is going to give you side effects? If the doctor minimizes side effects to you, don't be surprised. A doctor knows how powerful one's mind is, and may actually think telling you will cause side effects; through the power of your subconscious mind. Therefore, a doctor may minimize these negative things, in the hopes that you won't experience them. Suggesting them, in other words, may increase your chances of having side effects. And of course, they also want you to be compliant with taking the medication, so that's another reason to minimize the negative effects of the drug.

The power of suggestion combined with subconscious mind power equals incredibly powerful results. If this works in the medical realm, why can't it work in the everyday realm of your life? What is preventing you from tapping into your mind power and positively changing your life? Some people use the power of suggestion to change the way their subconscious mind works.

Others though use visualization to alter the way their mind sees things. Visualization is simple, and it works. Visualization can be done a couple of ways. First you close your eyes and visualize what it is you want, actually see it as if you are looking at a picture.

Another way to use your subconscious mind to change your reality is to actually find or create a physical picture. Let's say, for example, that you want a specific kind of new car. Find a picture of that car in a magazine, or better yet, have a friend take a picture of you standing by that car. Hang that picture up where you can see it every day. The more you see it, the more you will imprint that vision of yourself with the car you want in your subconscious mind. And because your subconscious mind is so powerful, it will eventually make that become a reality.

The power of the subconscious mind is not newly discovered; many people have known about it for years, in fact, and use it to their advantage. However, until recently, it's been a nebulous rather than scientifically proven fact. That's changed with scientists' discovery of the scientific process associated with the power of the subconscious mind.

At subatomic levels matter ceases to be 'solid' and is shown to be pure energy. Quantum physics has shown beyond doubt that this energy can be manipulated by the mind. In fact as strange as it seems, quantum physics actually shows that this energy can not exist without the mind of the observer.

What does that mean? Matter or energy exists because it is observed, and for no other reason. It is the mind of the observer that makes the matter exist, and not the other way around. In short, matter; and reality itself; is actually a creation of the mind. This is truly "subconscious mind power" at its essence.

Ancient religions have known this for thousands of years, but modern science has finally jumped on board with this knowledge, too, since the advent of quantum physics. Therefore, no matter your spiritual mindset, you can't deny that quantum physics proves the power of the mind.

So if you could change your life just by thinking about it, wouldn't you? All you have to do is harness your subconscious mind power. Use it to your advantage instead of letting it control you. Spend the next week using affirmations or visualization techniques to acquire what you want. Make it something small at first and when you see that it works make yourself a new life by developing your subconscious mind power. - 27772

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