Online Depression Psychotherapy


By Giora Carmi

It seems that it is hard to deal with depression. Many people spend years in traditional therapy and yet find it hard to resolve so many related issues that show themselves in the process. Nevertheless there is a way that not many people know about to resolve mental suffering faster.

The source of most emotional and mental suffering is the blocking of your intuition. When you were young and this natural insight was alive, you were happy and playful. But circumstances somehow led you to decide to block your intuition. This blocking then became a subconscious habit.

Intuition is the source of your energy and happiness. When you block it, you don't have a connection to your true self. You don't know what you like, what you don't like...

Why would a person block his intuition? If, as a baby, you intuitively feel that you need the support of a parent and it is not given, you suffer greatly. This hunger for support is mental torture. In order to avoid it you teach yourself to not trust what you feel. As you keep avoiding listening to your true self you lose the connection to who you are, what you want, what you like

Now you are without the natural flow of intuition. There's no feeling of being alive. And it's easy to decide that life isn't worth living. Usually people believe that depression is a special kind of mental illness or suffering. But the truth is that it comes from the same thing that all other kinds of mental suffering come from: the blocking of intuition.

The use of art in therapy can be a powerful tool in the hands of those who truly understand it. Its ideal for the unblocking of intuition. You don't need to be an artist at all. You simply use the tools of art. Once your intuition is freed, it becomes your guide to happiness. With the help of a good therapist you will know what your intuition is saying to you. Then, step by step, you will dissolve everything that stands in the way of your happiness. This process is much more direct and therefore faster than most other modes of therapy.

Blocked intuition brings about many secondary issues. For example: You may start to believe that you don't deserve to be who you are and do what you want. You may believe that you are a bad person.

Some people, out of their frustration at not being able to have what they want, will start to be aggressive toward others and some will turn their anger and frustration inward and punish themselves. These issues seem to be separate from the depression and many times become the focus of the therapy. But as they are secondary issues that came about because of the initial blocking of intuition, it is impossible to resolve them satisfactorily without dissolving the blockage first.

With intuition-activation-through-art, amazingly the main blockage shows up very early in the therapy and it becomes possible to resolve it. When intuition starts to flow, there is no need any more for the secondary issues and they simply disappear without the need to deal with them. The underlying depression disappears as well. - 27772

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