Why Skin Dr.s Don't Use Your Average Night Time Moisturizer.


By Dr. Grace Angel

Night time moisturizers have been hugely successful selling millions of dollars of product every year. In some instances they might not be worth the container they are packaged in. The internet, drugstores, and beauty boutiques have been bombarded with a multitude of night creams, each promising to be the new fountain of youth. Many doctors agree including Dr. Patty Farris, a Louisiana dermatologist, "there are a lot of expensive night time moisturizers that don't have the bang for the buck."

Night Time Moisturizer Manufacturers Inflate Results

Makers exaggerate the individual results that most women see after using a night time moisturizer. These companies are out to sell a product and, of course, try to portray it in the best light possible. However some doctors believe that the companies behind the products go too far. "These companies make outrageous statements, claiming that the skin undergoes all sorts of strange processes at night that it doesn't during the day. This is patently wrong and without proof," according to Dr. Les Baumann, professor of dermatology at the University of Miami.

According to Doctors There are Several Proven Anti-Aging Compounds

Proven anti-aging compounds do exist: Retinol, Peptides (proteins), and Vitamin C have been shown to improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. And the use of Retinol in a night time moisturizer, "makes perfect sense because retinol can be rendered inactive by sunlight," says Dr. Baumann. Peptides and Vitamin C boost the skin's product of collagen, which smoothes wrinkles and improves skin firmness.

For the best results a quality night time moisturizer must contain the right ingredients in sufficient concentration. And the cream must penetrate the skin and be given enough time to work, "It's sort of like if you need a blood transfusion and I'm just going to lay the blood across the top of your skin and say, good luck, let's hope it gets where it needs to go," so says Dr. Sandra Read, a Washington dermatologist. "It just won't do any good" unless it penetrates and has time to work.

The End Result

Just because a night time moisturizer is expensive doesn't mean its going to work. A quality product must contain the right ingredients in the proper concentration. Before you buy the wrong product, make sure that the one you do purchase contains proven age-fighting compounds like vitamin C, peptides, and retinol. It is possible to find a reputable brand online using search engines but I do recommend a reliable source, http://www.nighttimemoisturizers.com. This website is wholly dedicated to night creams and, of course, night time moisturizers. The site contains a treasure trove of information about the use and efficacy of night creams and moisturizers. Remember to do your homework do not be taken in by slick marketing, only buy those products that contain the right ingredients in the proper proportions. The right night time moisturizer will enhance the firmness of your skin by boosting collagen production and will help you fight the effects of aging. - 27772

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