Examples of TMJ Symptoms


By Bart Icles

These days, it is not unusual to hear about people who are suffering from chronic pain. Temporomandibular joint disorders or TMJ are one of the most common chronic pain diseases that Americans suffer from. It is no fun to experience TMJ pain and it helps to learn more about TMJ symptoms so you can do the necessary measures at the first signs of pain or soreness.

A TMJ disorder can have various kinds of signs and symptoms. In fact, TMJ symptoms vary from one patient to another. There is not one complete list for the symptoms of this disease but the most common ones can be grouped according to the part of the body where they can manifest. Most TMJ symptoms typically manifest in the head. Most headache problems and types of facial pain can be results of a disorder in your TMJ. These include pain in the forehead, migraine, cluster headaches, sinusitis-like headache, painful scalp, and headaches at the back of the head that may or may not have shooting pain.

Eye pain and certain eye problems can also be signs of a TMJ disorder. These include bloodshot eyes, blurred vision, pain above, below, and behind the eyes, pressure behind the eyes, sensitivity to light, and watery eyes.

Symptoms of TMJ can also manifest in the ears and can include buzzing, hissing, ringing or roaring sounds, diminished hearing, feeling of fullness, clogged or stuffy ears, itchy ears, ear pain without signs of ear infection, vertigo, balance problems, and dizziness. Symptoms can also be felt in the cheek, chin, face and mouth areas. These include any discomfort felt in any of these areas, uncontrollable tongue movements, jaw and jaw joint problems, and the inability to find the correct bite. Clenching and bruxism are also signs that tell you have problems with your TMJ. Bruxism refers to the condition wherein you grind your teeth at night.

Some neck and shoulder problems can also be TMJ symptoms. These include neck pain, sore neck, tired neck, shoulder aches, upper or lower back pain, tingling sensation in the arms or fingers, numbness of the arms or fingers, pain in the arms or fingers, and stiffness in the neck or shoulders. It is important that you consult a doctor right away if you experience any of these symptoms. This can help a lot in relieving you of the discomfort and verifying if you are indeed suffering from a TMJ disorder.

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